I bet you have never seen bun with such an unique shape. It is another type of lotus leaves bun. I have been holding this recipe for quite a while. The time when I was given the recipe, I
I loved polo buns.. I started to like polo buns surprisingly is not in Hong Kong but the cha chang ting (茶餐厅) – a type of Hong Kong fast food type of outlet when I was stationed in
UPDATED POST ON 11-10-2014
Craving for the buns that I can get hold in Singapore, and I have decided to prepare these buns to surprise my wife. We usually bought back from Sarawak if we visited our home town. There
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Guaishushu is seriously regretting for his “creativities” and “stinginess”. He made a batch of Polo buns and Mexican Coffee Buns. However, as the final proofing of his bun is less than his
Guaishushu told himself, once in a while playing with colouring is okay since he did not have a chance to colour since after schooling.
Two months ago, he “accidentally’ brought a full set of colouring intended for icing decoration
On 16th July 2013,
Pasta with home made tomato sauce.
Today, I have cooked my pasta sauce from scratch (meaning from tomato). I learned this when I visited one of my French friends in Paris many years ago. I am
Updated Post on : 7 September 2014
This post was issued on 7 July 2013, more than a year ago. Then I just started my blog and I barely have any idea of photo taking for the recipes. I felt