Nostalgic Soup Than Can’t Erase From My Mind–Chinese Style Potatoes Soup 37
Nostalgic Soup Than Can’t Erase From My Mind–Chinese Style Potatoes Soup

Updated Post on 9-10-2014

I have prepared the soup again today and have some new picture taking. However, today when I prepared the soup, as I am running out of time, I have decided to by pass the sautéing of

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Vege Vege Vegetable Fritters–Indonesian’s Bakwan Sayuran

Update on 13-9-2016

Upload of new pictures. I have been preparing this these few years as I really like the fritters which is crispy. The thinner your fritters, the crispier it will be.


Vegetable fritter is  rather international. Almost

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What A Golf Ball Have To Do With A Pineapple? Well, It Is The Famous South East Asian Pineapple Tarts (凤梨酥) 27
What A Golf Ball Have To Do With A Pineapple? Well, It Is The Famous South East Asian Pineapple Tarts (凤梨酥)

This post is updated  on 9th January 2014 with the inclusion of a VEGETARIAN RECIPE. This recipe is egg less, milk less and butter less. Please scroll down towards the end of the post for vegetarian recipe. Both recipes share

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Hey, This is not Italian Meat Rolls, It Is Chinese Meat Rolls Called Ngoh Hiang 24
Hey, This is not Italian Meat Rolls, It Is Chinese Meat Rolls Called Ngoh Hiang (五香肉卷)


This post is sharing the Chinese version of meat rolls or Ngoh Hiang. It is different from the meat roll in Western cuisines such as the Italian meat rolls. Usually, minced meat (usually pork) and prawns were used and

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Basic But Presentable, Basic But Irresistible…Basic Raisin Scones Shared… (葡萄干司康) 24
Basic But Presentable, Basic But Irresistible…Basic Raisin Scones Shared… (葡萄干司康)

Updated Post on : 7 September 2014

This post was issued on 7 July 2013, more than a year ago. Then I just started my blog and I barely have any idea of photo taking for the recipes. I felt

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