Another Hee Pan Recipe–Sweet Potatoes Hee Pan (番薯喜板)

Updated on 29-4-2016

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I have one sweet potato sitting in my kitchen shelves and likely to turn bad very soon.

Since it is only a small sweet potato, I have decided to “test” my recipe

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A Simple And Traditional Biscuit–Graham Biscuit (全麦饼干)



In Western cookbooks, It is common that graham crackers were being used to prepare the biscuit base of chilled cheesecake and in fact, I do like graham crackers. I like the crispy texture of the biscuits with some

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Another Extra Large Chinese Steamed Buns– Dabao or Pork Bun (大包/生肉包)


This time, I have purposely prepared my minced meat steamed buns extra big. It is big and about 120 grams of dough and 100 grams of meat filling. So the buns weigh about 220 grams, about 2 times what

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Local Baked Custard? Kuih Bakar Pandan Or Kuih Kemboja (香兰烘糕)


This kuih is very much like a baked custard that is full of Pandan and egg aroma. It is soft and resembling biting the top green custard layer of the Kuih Salat or Kuih Seri Muka. That is understandable

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A 3 Ingredients Simple Dessert With Awesome Taste–Sago Gula Melaka Puddings (椰糖西米露)


Frankly speaking, I never had this dessert until quite recently when I started working.. I remembered then, I need to stay and dine in the hotel for months and that’s how I get to know this sweet, smooth and

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Classic Victoria Sponge Sandwich (经典维多利亚海绵夹层蛋糕)


I am not good at cake decoration, deal with cream and etc.… It is just not my area of expertise.. What I thought that it should work always turned out to be  a mess and spoil my cake.. I

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Mini Minie Mani Mo……. Mini Hamburger Buns (迷你汉堡包)


I prepared this hamburger buns in accordance with the stated weight as in the recipe, however, I have never expect that it is such a mini size.. It was stated that for mini size, the dough should weigh 30

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Famous Amos Copycat Chocolate Chips Cookies (山寨版之Famous Amos 巧克力曲奇)


I have not share cookies post for quite a while and when I was shopping yesterday, I saw the Famous Amos Cookies store. I sudden have a craving for their Chocolate Chips Cookies. Hmmm, I doubt if there is

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How About A New Flavour Butter Cake–Coffee Pecan Cake (咖啡胡桃蛋糕)



I was having dinner last Saturday night with one of my ex-colleagues.  I thought I might as well bake something for her. After my bake, suddenly something pop up, I can’t do the frosting for the cake which i

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Chinese Steamed Bread–Mantou (刀切馒头)

UPDATE ON 1-4-2016

i have prepared some pillow buns today. It is a huge buns that are shaped into a long pillow, steamed and cut into pieces. Somehow, I do not have such a huge steamer and I make it

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