As a Chinese, I am not unfamiliar with the common household ginseng chicken soup. My family used to prepare this when we took our examinations or when someone get tired easily . However, our ginseng soup is very simple,
“Sea cucumbers are echinoderms from the class Holothuroidea. They are marine animals with a leathery skin and an elongated body containing a single, branched gonad. Sea cucumbers are found on the sea floor worldwide. The number of holothurian
I have already issued more than 500 recipes and I am rather brain dead on what to share on certain household dishes especially those dishes that are simple restaurant dishes or home cooked dishes. I do not think I
This is a very common dish is Sichuan restaurants worldwide. It is a rather representative of Chinese Sichuan cuisine. The name is called Gan Bian Si Ji Dou.
Ganbian (干煸) is a Sichuan cuisine cooking method of deep frying
Christmas is one week away and I still have some soaked mixed fruit in the fridge. By hook and by crook, i wanted to get rid these soaked fruits.
Facebook in the last few weeks has been flooded with
i do not know when this dish become popular in Singapore and Malaysia.. At least it was not popular when I was a kid. I only get to know this dish after my graduation 30 years ago.
When friends
It is my style to share festival recipes ahead of time and Chinese New Year is less than 2 months from now.. I believed that I should blogged earlier such that readers can have more choices in recipe selection.
Me, my wife and my boy are big fans of this traditional Chinese soup originated from Chaozhou, People’s Republic of China. Before we get married, both of us will have this soup at least once a week and we
At times, I am puzzled why certain delicious dishes in Hong Kong and Taiwan was not popular in the region. It seems that this recipe is an extremely common household snack or dish in Hong Kong especially as a
Updated on 27-9-2016
Upload of new pictures using cranberry .
First of all, I want to apologize to title the post as “cranberry biscuits” yet in this illustration, there is no cranberry being used.
Well, the original recipe is