Classic Chinese Mixed Vegetable Dish aka Cha Chap Chye (中式炒什菜)


This mixed vegetable dish is such a classic vegetable dish for family gatherings, parties, buffets, takeaways and etc. and it is also one of my dishes served during reunion dinner. Therefore, I am taking this set of picture during

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Spicy and Sour Shredded Potatoes (醋溜土豆丝)


This is a new dish in my family for my past 3 years and kids will constantly remind me to prepare the dish.. They will always think of this dish when they saw potatoes in the supermarket.

Unlike my

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Sichuan Style Dried Fried French Beans (干煸四季豆) 26
Sichuan Style Dried Fried French Beans (干煸四季豆)


This is a very common dish is Sichuan restaurants worldwide. It is a rather representative of Chinese Sichuan cuisine. The name is called Gan Bian Si Ji Dou.

Ganbian (干煸) is a Sichuan cuisine cooking method of deep frying

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Vegetarian Pizza Is Just As Tasty ! Simple And Basic Vegetarian Pizza Preparation 31
Vegetarian Pizza Is Just As Tasty ! Simple And Basic Vegetarian Pizza Preparation


I loved pizza. Pizza is one of the most common food that I ordered when I have meals in Western Restaurants. I love pizza for its dough and cheese. It is a comfort food that I can easily eat

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Agar Agar is not the same as Agak Agak… Agar Agar is Red Algae !! 32
Agar Agar is not the same as Agak Agak… Agar Agar is Red Algae !!



Agar Agar is a Malay word for red algae, apparently it has been accepted as an English word. It is hard for a lay man like me to explain agar agar, so  as usual, I will quote Wikipedia’s

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Nostalgic Soup Than Can’t Erase From My Mind–Chinese Style Potatoes Soup 37
Nostalgic Soup Than Can’t Erase From My Mind–Chinese Style Potatoes Soup

Updated Post on 9-10-2014

I have prepared the soup again today and have some new picture taking. However, today when I prepared the soup, as I am running out of time, I have decided to by pass the sautéing of

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What I “Ate” Today (家常便饭系列)…. 17 August 2013- Special 16
What I “Ate” Today (家常便饭系列)…. 17 August 2013- Special

You may be surprised about this title! In fact, the title is not correct either. What I am going to post is not “what I cooked today” or “what I ate today”. It was a gathering at one of my

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Snake Tongue Tea? Gosh.. I Am Going Away……白花蛇舌草罗汉果茶 24
Snake Tongue Tea? Gosh.. I Am Going Away……白花蛇舌草罗汉果茶

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) believes that the body is in its best condition when the Yin and Yang is balanced. I am no expert in this field but being  a Chinese, I was “brainwashed” about the need to cleanse /balance

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    The following are temporary indices for all recipes issued by Guaishushu in both and Guaishushu’s Facebook Page. The index shall be for temporary references only.




Aloe Vera

Some Aloe Vera Sweet Fruit Dessert

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What I cooked today (家常便饭系列)- 11-8-2013 18
What I cooked today (家常便饭系列)- 11-8-2013

On 7 August 2013, white rice served with :

1.      Braised Bitter Gourd With Chinese Mustard                                                 苦瓜焖苦瓜

2.     Salted Turnip Omelette                                                                                    菜脯蛋饼

3.     Vegetarian Winter Melon Soup                                                                       素冬瓜汤 read more

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