I was angry because one of my old book shelf somehow collapsed this morning. While I am cleaning the mess, a 2005 magazine caught my attention! It was a August/September 2005 issue of Singapore Chinese magazine called Gourmet
Agar Agar is a Malay word for red algae, apparently it has been accepted as an English word. It is hard for a lay man like me to explain agar agar, so as usual, I will quote Wikipedia’s
I never cooked tempeh before. I have tempeh in some Malay restaurants but I did not like it. However, after joining various Facebook Food Groups, I noted that tempeh is becoming popular in Singapore and I have decided
Imagine a bite of cream cheese and another bite of durian flesh, that will be what you are going to get from these cheese cake, soft, smooth, creamy and sweet.
A rather simple chilled cheese cake to make
This post is updated on 9th January 2014 with the inclusion of a VEGETARIAN RECIPE. This recipe is egg less, milk less and butter less. Please scroll down towards the end of the post for vegetarian recipe. Both recipes share
I am struggling whether I should post this simple noodle preparation. It is just that simple and up to your own creativities. I am thinking, will putting up this post insult my reader’s intelligence? Will it qualify as a
On 5 June 2013
White rice served with:
5-Jun | Ladies Finger fried with Small Shrimps | 小虾羊角豆 |
5-Jun | Mapo Tofu | 麻婆豆腐 |
5-Jun | Bok Choy Pork Rib Soup | 大白菜排骨汤 |
5-Jun | Chinese spinach cooked with goof berry | 枸杞子炒苋菜 |
Yesterday, we dine out with