Tandoori Chicken And Chicken Tikka Masala (唐杜里鸡和马萨拉鸡 தந்தூரி சிக்கன், சிக்கன் டிக்கா மசாலா)


I was contemplating whether i should blogged Tandoori Chicken or Tikka Masala but after I did my researches for both recipes, apparently most recipes for both cuisines have the same spices and preparation method except that Tikka masala uses

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Chicken Biryani aka Nasi Ayam Briani (சிக்கன் பிரியாணி 布瑞雅尼鸡 或 印度香料鸡饭)


I have long wanted to blog chicken biryani recipe after my issuance of fish biryani recipe (Recipe: Fish Biryani (Nasi Biryani Ikan)) but I always forget ..Every time when I shared the fish biryani recipe, members of

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Classic Indian Flatbread Recipe: Chapati & Phulka ( சப்பாத்தி & புல்கா 印度烙饼: 恰巴提)


Usually when i frequented Indian Mamak stores or Indian restaurants, I have never order chapatti though I have heard so much about it.. I usually ordered roti canai as in this post: Roti Prata, Roti Canai, Roti Paratha ,

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Famous Indian Cuisines : Butter Chicken aka Murgh Makhani( 印度奶油鸡 मुर्ग़ मक्खनी)


Singapore and Malaysia has a sizeable Indian population and I was shocked that I have never heard of this well known Indian dishes..May be I am not that exposed as yet. When members in an Australian Facebook Group posted

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Classic Indian Vegetarian Curry–Lentil Curry aka Curry Dhal (印度扁豆咖喱 பருப்பு குழம்பு)


Since I issued the roti canai or pratha recipe, readers have been asking me for the recipe of curry dhal, a type of gravy usually served with roti canai in the Malaysian and Singaporean eating outlets. That is the 

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Putu Mayam aka Putu Mayang aka Idiyappam (இடியாப்ப‌ம்)


“Putu mayam in Malay or Idiyappam (இடியாப்ப‌ம்) in Tamil is a Tamil dish from southern India. It is popular in southern India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore. The process for making putu mayam

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