A very popular Taiwanese Mooncake festival snack
I have never intended to share this recipe though I have eaten many times Teochew aka Chaozhou style of dumplings. It is the buyer who has requested to buy such dumplings and that prompted me to research and blog
Essentially, there is no recipe for this post. It is almost a common sense type of preparation and what is needed maybe some forms of simple guidelines. I have decided to blog this recipe because it is my childhood
This will be a short and simple recipe because if you have been following my dumpling recipes, I do not think there is a need to detail the steps on dumpling wrapping as it has been adequately covered in
There is actually no such a need to share this recipe since I already have 2 alkaline dumpling recipes. However, I have decided to blog for records and half of the dumplings have already been send back to Kuching
Actually, i am brain dead when I am writing this post as I do not know how to introduce you this recipe of mine. I have nothing much to write and it will be a straightforward short recipe.
I like to wrap dumplings but I do not like to issue dumpling recipes. It is tedious, lots of picture taking and not many readers are trying the recipe. Those who know how to wrap rice dumplings most likely
Every year on the 8th night or 12:00 am for the 9th day (初八晚,初九凌晨), many Chinese dialects especially the Hokkien will be paying to the Jade Emperor (玉皇大帝)or locally known as pai ti kong (拜天公). The praying is usually
I have prepared these a few days ago and I am rushing out the recipe tonight though I am very tired. My rationale is very simple, some readers may need a huat kuih recipe before Chinese New Year.
This is a special compilation for all the Chinese New Year related recipes. It will be divided into 3 posts.
- Part 1 (90 recipes) is concerning all the cookies, pastries pertaining to the Chinese New Year recipes.