Many younger readers are very confused the two types of prosperity cakes: Huat Kuih (发糕) and Jidangao (kuey nerng Ko 鸡蛋糕) . They are both different in term of taste and texture and most important of all, all these
My son was asking me what is the birthday cake that I am going to prepare for him.. I told him and his sister that daddy is never good in any cake decoration, frosting and even dealing with cream…
I saw the ice cream on display in the shelf and I decided to replicate the ice cream, a Tom and Jerry ‘s strawberry cheesecake ice cream with cookies swirl.
I have tried once and I do not think
Imagine a bite of cream cheese and another bite of durian flesh, that will be what you are going to get from these cheese cake, soft, smooth, creamy and sweet.
A rather simple chilled cheese cake to make
I like to simplify my recipe. When I cooked or when I baked, i usually think of bachelor who are kitchen phobia and who do not like to cook. With this in mind, I always modify my recipe to the