An Healthier Alternative : Oatcakes or Oatmeal Biscuits (燕麦饼干)


When I was stationed in Shanghai, I needed to work a lot of overtimes.  One of the snacks that I like is the oatmeal biscuits and that is how I started to like this biscuit. I like it because

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Traditional Batik Cake or Hedgehog Cake

Processed with MOLDIV

Processed with MOLDIV

Updated post on 10-10-2014

Have not prepare this cake for one year. A sudden craving made me wanted to prepare this rich and sinful cake to curb the sugar cravings. However, I have added

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One, Two, Three…….Let’s Start Making Traditional Short Bread Biscuits (英式传统牛油饼干) 57
One, Two, Three…….Let’s Start Making Traditional Short Bread Biscuits (英式传统牛油饼干)


I have mentioned before that my family members like buttery biscuits or cakes. Butter cake without any flavour will definitely top my list of cakes whereas short bread will be my preferred choice of biscuits. Short bread is crumbly

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King of Fruits + Cream Cheese = Durian Cheesecakes, Game to Try? 41
King of Fruits + Cream Cheese = Durian Cheesecakes, Game to Try?


Imagine a bite of cream cheese and another bite of durian flesh, that will be what you are going to get from these cheese cake, soft, smooth, creamy and sweet.

A rather simple chilled cheese cake to make

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Hey, This is not Italian Meat Rolls, It Is Chinese Meat Rolls Called Ngoh Hiang 24
Hey, This is not Italian Meat Rolls, It Is Chinese Meat Rolls Called Ngoh Hiang (五香肉卷)


This post is sharing the Chinese version of meat rolls or Ngoh Hiang. It is different from the meat roll in Western cuisines such as the Italian meat rolls. Usually, minced meat (usually pork) and prawns were used and

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Simple, Tasty, Elegant …Chilled Ferrero Rocher Oreo Ice Cream Cheese Cake 24
Simple, Tasty, Elegant …Chilled Ferrero Rocher Oreo Ice Cream Cheese Cake


I like to simplify my recipe. When I cooked or when I baked, i usually think of bachelor who are kitchen phobia and who do not like to cook. With this in mind, I always modify my recipe to the

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