Agar Agar is a Malay word for red algae, apparently it has been accepted as an English word. It is hard for a lay man like me to explain agar agar, so as usual, I will quote Wikipedia’s
On 18 July 2013, porridge serves with a vegetable dish and a meat dish. The vegetable dish is baby pak choi with oyster sauce (耗油小白菜)and braised meat (chicken and pork belly) (卤肉)。
I seldom cooked porridge for dinner. Tonight, I
Rice dumpling or “Chang” is one of the traditional delicacies that are well loved by the Malaysian Chinese and Singaporean Chinese communities. However, nowadays, most families do not really wrap their own dumplings at home. They will
Rice dumpling or “Chang” is one of the traditional delicacies that are well loved by the Malaysian Chinese and Singaporean Chinese communities. However, nowadays, most families do not really wrap their own dumplings at home. They will