Posts Tagged ‘KIDS’
Guaishushu told himself, once in a while playing with colouring is okay since he did not have a chance to colour since after schooling.
Two months ago, he “accidentally’ brought a full set of colouring intended for icing decoration
You may be surprised about this title! In fact, the title is not correct either. What I am going to post is not “what I cooked today” or “what I ate today”. It was a gathering at one of my
It was 5 am in the morning. I told myself that I must wake up early to write this post and share with readers about this extremely simple recipe. This is rather a special post to me because it is
On 11-7-2013, White rice served with:
1 | Cabbage Pork Rib Soup | 包菜排骨汤 |
2 | Braised Bitter Gourd with Roast Meat | 苦瓜焖烧肉 |
3 | Braised pork slice with pickled lettuce | 香菜心炆肉片 |
4 | Foochow Preserved Mustard Bee Hoon | 福州糟菜米粉汤 |
As I am