Is Pavlova Originated From Australia, Russia or New Zealand?–Strawberry and Blueberry Pavlova


Yesterday is really a busy day for me. I have been making mayonnaise, baking pizza and this Pavlova. By the time  I have to take picture of this Pavlova, I was feeling extremely tired and after I ate one

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What I cooked today (家常便饭系列)- 25-7-2013 18
What I cooked today (家常便饭系列)- 25-7-2013

On 25-7-2013, Chicken rice served with sweet kernel corn and mushroom soup.

As I have not cook chicken rice for quite a while, I have decided just to have a one dish dinner – Hainanese Chicken Rice. You can

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Simple, Tasty, Elegant …Chilled Ferrero Rocher Oreo Ice Cream Cheese Cake 24
Simple, Tasty, Elegant …Chilled Ferrero Rocher Oreo Ice Cream Cheese Cake


I like to simplify my recipe. When I cooked or when I baked, i usually think of bachelor who are kitchen phobia and who do not like to cook. With this in mind, I always modify my recipe to the

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