Special Compilation On Egg White Recipes (蛋清食谱特别汇总)


As explained in my Braising egg white post earlier last week, egg whites can be a tedious problem for home baker especially during Chinese New Year. The egg white accumulated purely from egg washing can easily accumulate to 1

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Lemon/Orange Meringue Kisses or Ice Cream Cookies (香橙蛋白霜饼/冰淇淋饼)


I prepared some cashew nut cookies yesterday, the recipe used 2 egg yolks, therefore I have 2 egg whites left. You can refer to this post for the recipe: Cashew Nut Cookies (腰豆酥饼)

Since this quantity is small, immediately

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Is Pavlova Originated From Australia, Russia or New Zealand?–Strawberry and Blueberry Pavlova


Yesterday is really a busy day for me. I have been making mayonnaise, baking pizza and this Pavlova. By the time  I have to take picture of this Pavlova, I was feeling extremely tired and after I ate one

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