Is Pavlova Originated From Australia, Russia or New Zealand?–Strawberry and Blueberry Pavlova


Yesterday is really a busy day for me. I have been making mayonnaise, baking pizza and this Pavlova. By the time  I have to take picture of this Pavlova, I was feeling extremely tired and after I ate one

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Agar Agar is not the same as Agak Agak… Agar Agar is Red Algae !! 32
Agar Agar is not the same as Agak Agak… Agar Agar is Red Algae !!



Agar Agar is a Malay word for red algae, apparently it has been accepted as an English word. It is hard for a lay man like me to explain agar agar, so  as usual, I will quote Wikipedia’s

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One Number Ratio Baking Adventures - Layered Pound Cake ……… 12
One Number Ratio Baking Adventures – Layered Pound Cake ………

This is a post with no recipe. This is Guaishushu’s baking adventures.

As mentioned in Guaishushu’s zebra pattern pound cake, Guaishushu don’t like to follow recipes and remember numbers. Therefore, Guaishushu is constantly experimenting his 1 number pound cake

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Let’s See How An Asian Make The Tomato Pasta Sauce From Scratch ….

Updated on 29-5-2016

I have decided to upload a video with simplified recipe in red towards the end. This recipe is still valid for that recipe is easier. Please scroll towards the end for the video.


This is the

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