Homemade Sour Mustard or Sour Vegetable (家居自制酸菜)


As per Wikipedia (Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suan_cai) , “Suan cai 酸菜(also called suan tsai and Chinese sauerkraut; literally “sour vegetable”) is a traditional Chinese pickled Chinese cabbage, used for a variety of purposes. Suan cai is a unique

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Homemade Chicken Sausage (家居自制鸡肉香肠)


First of all, I have thank Ms. A Sim for giving some sausage casing such that I can try out various recipes of homemade sausages.

When I saw her post of homemade sausage, out of my curiosity, I asked

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Homemade Egg Tofu (家居自制蛋豆腐)


That day when I issued this recipe: Hot Plate Egg Tofu (铁板豆腐). I stumbled across a few homemade egg tofu recipes and that making me wanted to try. If you want a recipe, you can click on the

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Homemade Silver Needle Noodles (自制家居银针粉)


I have no complain about this attempt of preparing these silver needle noodles. To me, it is easy to prepare and i like the texture, not overly chewy. I find that it is a very useful recipe especially if

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Let’s See How An Asian Make The Tomato Pasta Sauce From Scratch ….

Updated on 29-5-2016

I have decided to upload a video with simplified recipe in red towards the end. This recipe is still valid for that recipe is easier. Please scroll towards the end for the video.


This is the

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