Posts Tagged ‘sausages’
While I totally understand that it is not advisable to take too much processed food such as chicken franks, bacons and etc.., I cannot control what my kids are eating when they are not at me ..That is what
First of all, I have thank Ms. A Sim for giving some sausage casing such that I can try out various recipes of homemade sausages.
When I saw her post of homemade sausage, out of my curiosity, I asked
You may be surprised about this title! In fact, the title is not correct either. What I am going to post is not “what I cooked today” or “what I ate today”. It was a gathering at one of my
On 14 May 2013:
1. | Chinese Black Turtle Bean Pork Rip Soup | 黑豆排骨汤 |
2. | Long Bean Stir Fried with Minced Meat | 长豆炒肉碎 |
3. | Sliced Potatoes Fried with Onions and Sausages | 大葱香肠炒土豆片 |
Nothing special today. The dish are typical simple Chinese