Black Sugar Ginger Cubes (黑糖姜母砖块)


This is a common item and i do not know if there are any Asian readers who does not know these sugar cubes. Well, it is always a hand gift item for friends who just return from Taiwan

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Post Chinese New Year Recipes: Easy Peasy Hand Knead Pizza : Bakwa Leek Oriental Pizza (手工披萨: 肉干大蒜披萨)


This is a unprecedented and impromptu post. I was having family lunch at a relative’s house and I just wanted some quick  dinner for my family members and therefore I thought of preparing pizza. I arrived home at about

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Traditional Chinese Recipe: Sweet Glutinous Rice Cake aka Bee Koh (糯米糕)


Every year on the 8th night or 12:00 am for the 9th day (初八晚,初九凌晨), many Chinese dialects especially the Hokkien will be paying to the Jade Emperor (玉皇大帝)or locally known as pai ti kong (拜天公). The praying is usually

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Bakwa Leek Savoury Muffins (肉干大蒜咸香马芬)


I have many muffins recipes but most are sweet and when an overseas member asked me for a savoury muffin recipe, I analysed and noted that I only have one luncheon meat muffin which is savoury  (Recipe: Luncheon Meat

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Famous Chinese Recipe: Wansan Pork Knuckles (苏菜之: 万三蹄)


It is the 3rd day of Chinese New Year 2017 and I wished to take this opportunity to wish all the readers a Happy and Prosperous Rooster Year. This is supposedly a Chinese New Year dish which I should

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Chinese New Year Recipes: Natural Colouring 5 Elements Huat Kuih aka Wuxing Huat Kuih (天然色素吉祥五行发糕)


I have prepared these a few days ago and I am rushing out the recipe tonight though I am very tired. My rationale is very simple, some readers may need a huat kuih recipe before Chinese New Year.


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Famous Chinese Recipes: Ham and Chicken Dish aka Yuk Lan Gai (年菜: 金华玉树鸡)


This is a very simple yet classic recipe. Those in my age group should not be unfamiliar with this dish. It was a common chicken dish during my childhood era.

Though simple, the challenge is to debone the chicken

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Chinese Cured Meat Rice aka Lup Mei Fan (粤式瓦煲腊味饭)


I got a request from a reader to issue this recipe which is a very common recipe during Chinese New Year Period. When you saw that cured meats are sold in the supermarket, it signifies that Chinese New Year

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Mandarin Orange Cranberry Muffins (大吉大利吉祥马芬)


I presumed most readers will know that mandarin oranges is an auspicious fruit during Chinese New Year. It was considered as auspicious because the name 大橘 (da jv) has almost the same tone as 大吉 (da ji) which means 

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Chinese New Year Recipes: Curry Laksa Cookies (咖喱辣沙曲奇)


The concept of laksa cookies is not new and it has been in existence for a few years. If you Google laksa cookies, you will see lots of recipe. However, I opt to design my own cookies because cookies

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