Chawan Muah Piah or Sesame Cake (诏安麻饼)


I am contemplating whether or not I should issued this recipe… This is one of the childhood mooncakes that I can only find in Kuching. After due consideration and requests from members of my Facebook Group, I have decided

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Beer Shredded Chicken (啤酒手丝鸡)


If your spouse is drunk and he or she insisted that he or she did not drink any alcohol, I think you will not believe him or her because there are some alcoholic smell in the shirts or body…

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Snow Fungus Pear Sweet Soup (冰糖银耳炖雪梨)


Autumn in Northern Hemisphere has arrived and those who has lived in the countries with 4 seasons will know that Autumn season is very “heaty” and “dry” making some people prone  to have nose bleed and irritation in the

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Adzuki Bread Loaf aka Red Bean Bread Loaf (红豆面包条)


If you like soft fluffy Asian type of pillow loaf, this is not a recipe for you. However, if you like wholemeal bread type of texture, this is a good recipe that you can try. This recipe yields a

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Tofu Burger (豆腐汉堡) 6
Tofu Burger (豆腐汉堡)


I blog what I ate and I prepared some tofu burger for my family and that is why I take this opportunity to blog this recipe…

I am not the one who started this concept of tofu burger, there

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Hong Kong Red Bean Steamed Rice Cake aka Put chai ko (砵仔糕)


This is a traditional Hong Kong snack that I can’t recall  seeing it being sold in Singapore or Malaysia. However, it is rather common in Facebook Groups where members are preparing it..

The pictures looked delicious and it prompted

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French Pastry–Palmiers (法国蝴蝶酥)


I remembered two years ago when I started blogging, one Facebook friend asked for the recipe of Palmiers… Hmmm, when I confirmed with her that day, obviously she can’t remember it… Well, that is how I get to know

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Teochew Glutinous Rice Roll Cake–Guan Jian (潮汕灌煎)


Usually when It is a Chinese traditional recipe, I will check the background before I blogged. That is the reason why you always read the Wikipedia definition in my post. That provides a basis to support a cuisine background..But

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It Taste Like Brioche–Sally Lunn (莎莉露圓麵包)


Many people know focaccia, brioche,  challah,  baguette, and other famous bread but not many know about this bread that was named after a lady. Sally Lunn.

It is very British though it is now become common in United States

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Gluten Vegetarian Char Siu (素叉烧) 42
Gluten Vegetarian Char Siu (素叉烧)


Vegetarians like all other human beings need protein to grow.. There are a few sources of protein in Chinese vegetarian foods including those  from the soy protein, wheat glutens , nuts and etc..

An Indonesian member once shared her

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