Butter Prawns With Egg Floss (蛋丝牛油虾) 6
Butter Prawns With Egg Floss (蛋丝牛油虾)


My mind is very “blank” when I am writing this post.. I  do not what to write about the dish except the recipe..

This is a recipe that I stumbled across when I searched for prawn recipe.. I can’t

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Ferrero Rocher Layered Cheese Cake (金莎千层奶酪蛋糕)

I have prepared some for photo taking and also more compact type of layering and omission of Ferrero Rocher . It is less sinful but the deliciousness would not be compromised.

In addition, I have added gelatin for easier setting

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No Cudweed, I Used Mugwort–Teochew Chi Kak Kuih (潮州鼠麹糕)- Mugwort version


The steamed cake in this post is called “chi kak kuih” or “鼠麹粿“, a type of steamed glutinous rice cake that are common in the coastal province of People’s Republic of China especially in the the province of Guangdong

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Glutinous Rice Flour Red Bean Pancake (豆沙烧饼-糯米皮)


While i was goggling the red bean paste pancake (豆沙烧饼) this morning, I stumbled across this recipe.. This is actually not the recipe that I am looking for…

The recipe that I was looking for is  the yeasted with

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Hot Cross Buns (十字餐包)


 Picture courtesy from: Hot Cross Buns Nursery Rhyme Printable

I have been singing this song to my girl when she just arrived in this world… and this is one of the limited traditional nursery rhymes that I can

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Garlic Chives Steamed Rice Cake–Teochew Ku Chai Kuih (潮州韭菜粿)

Updated post on 3 May 2016

I have incorporated another crust recipe for this kuih. This crust is much softer and would not turn hard easily. However, it is not as transparent as the first recipe. 


In Singapore Teochew

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Braised Ribbon Fish (红烧带鱼)


I have the intention to start a new series that will share simple and common household dishes. My aim is to provide inspirations to new house chefs who have not have a chance to learn simple household cooking. These

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Radish Stewed Duck (白萝卜焖鸭)


I am unsure this dish belongs to which dialect group but my wife’s auntie who is a Hakka used to cook this. She loved this duck and radish combo..

I never have a chance to taste this until we

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Stir Fried Glutinous Rice Dish (生炒腊味糯米饭).


I think I will not do what I did as in this illustration if I do not intend the share this recipe.. I will dump everything in the rice cooker and have a bowl of nicely cooked savoury glutinous

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Simple Prawns Fritters (酥脆炸虾)


This is a rather simple household recipe which I am rather reluctant to issue the recipe initially.. The reason is that it is very simple and most granny or house chefs will know how to prepare this …


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