About 10 years before my mum passed away in late 80’s, a family friend from Penang taught her to cook this dish in Sarawak.. It is a yellowish colour of Laksa that was made with fish broth and served
“酸豆角是指腌制过的豆角。豆角含有丰富的优质蛋白质、碳水化合物及多种维生素、微量元素等,可补充机体的招牌营养素。其中所含B族维生素能维持正常的消化腺分泌和胃肠道蠕动的功能,抑制胆碱酶活性,可帮助消化,增进食欲。” (Source:http://baike.baidu.com/view/1184819.htm)
Literally translated from Chinese Baike Wikipedia, preserved long beans refer to marinated long beans. The beans are rich in proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins that are beneficial and provide nutrients for the body.
I have been holding on the preparation of Assam laksa because of 3 herbs and 2 of which create the distinctive flavour as compared to other laksa. These three herbs are laksa leaves (daun kesom) , torch ginger (bunga
I do not know the origin of this bread and I only that it was called “milk pan” by the bakery…Using English pronunciation, it shall be pronounced as “pun” as in puncture. ..”Pan” is a Japanese word meaning “bread”
The name of this cake is called Milopita in Greek and I was introduced to try this cake by a member of my Facebook Group, Sis Lianlian Gliptis..
She posted the cake picture plus the recipe… I promised to
Updated post on 23/3/2015
A new illustration for caramel kaya was presented. For this illustration, I have used the quick method of cooking the custard and blending the custard to the consistency I want.
There is nothing to shout
This is a very easy recipe.. Easy to prepare, easy to shape, fast to bake with an awesome texture and taste…Of course taste wise will depend on the types of ingredients you used.
All these are easy because of
I have said many times that when I frequented Japanese restaurants, I have less choices to order because I only eat cooked food… Besides Katsudon, karaage, the next most common dish is teriyaki chicken..Teriyaki chicken is
I have a post on Acar Timun Sarawak (Sarawak preserved cucumber) usually served together with prawn crackers during Chinese New Year… And that Acar is slightly different from the Nonya Acar Awak that I will share in this post.
How I wish I can scrap off the custard toppings.. It is a total disaster as I have selected the wrong recipe. It is not smooth and hard and I regretted that I should have used back my trusted