Posts Tagged ‘Spinach’
Actually I have a hard time to name this dish. While I knew locally we called this xian cai (苋菜)as spinach but I do not know why it is called as such. It does cause some misunderstandings to overseas
I am trying out this format whether it works or not.
On 17-July 2013, white rice served with:
1 | Spinach pork rib soup | 菠菜排骨汤 |
2 | Fried Bean Curd and Fish Cake with Chinese Celery | 豆干鱼饼炒芹菜 |
3 | Pak Choi Soup | 大白菜排骨汤 |
On 30 June, 2013
White rice served with:
30-Jun | Watercress Pork Rib Soup | 西洋菜排骨汤 |
30-Jun | Braised Chicken Wings | 酱鸡翅 |
30-Jun | Grilled Sanma (Pacific Saury) with lemon | 柠檬烤秋刀鱼 |
30-Jun | Chinese Water Spinach fried with fermented beans | 蕹菜炒豆瓣酱 |
The last