How Do You Do? I Missed You, My Dear Friend! – Traditional Coconut Tarts (椰子塔)



Coconut tart, a childhood snack that I really missed. Since I started blogging, I have never prepared this tropical coconut tart.. In fact, I have not eaten these tarts for years even though Singapore traditional bakery shops still have

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What I cooked today (家常便饭系列)- 30-7-2013 12
What I cooked today (家常便饭系列)- 30-7-2013

You may be surprised that today I am having some western meals. In fact, I have never cooked western meals before. This should be one of the very first full course meals that I have prepared. Well, today is my

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What I cooked today (家常便饭系列)- 30-6-2013 2
What I cooked today (家常便饭系列)- 30-6-2013

On 30 June, 2013

White rice served with:

30-Jun Watercress Pork Rib Soup  西洋菜排骨汤
30-Jun Braised Chicken Wings 酱鸡翅
30-Jun Grilled Sanma (Pacific Saury) with lemon  柠檬烤秋刀鱼
30-Jun Chinese Water Spinach fried with fermented beans 蕹菜炒豆瓣酱

The last

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