What I cooked today (家常便饭系列)- 1-6-2013 4
What I cooked today (家常便饭系列)- 1-6-2013

What I cooked today (家常便饭系列)- 1-6-2013

On 1-June-2013,

White rice served with:

1. Tofu meatball soup 豆腐肉丸汤
2. Grilled Saba (mackerel) with lemon  柠檬烤鲭鱼
3. Brinjal braised with minced meat 肉碎炆茄子
4. Artemisia argyi omelet 艾草蛋饼

Yesterday is my daughter’s birthday and we have dined out. Today, the dish is rather common except the Artemisia Argi omelet which is considered as a herb and supposing very good for arthritis. This is the first time I cooked this omelet. I like the special fragrance and served with Chinese cooking wine. My kids are not really interested in the dish as it is a bit bitter.

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