Sugee Almond Cake (Sugee 杏仁蛋糕)


I have not bake this cake for almost one year and start to crave for this cake with unique texture.. I told my friends, I loved this cake, not a bit but a lot. It is

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1 Butter + 1 Sugar + 1Egg + 1 Flour + 1 Milk = Pound/Butter Cake-Guaishushu’s Version 26
1 Butter + 1 Sugar + 1Egg + 1 Flour + 1 Milk = Pound/Butter Cake-Guaishushu’s Version


I am contemplating whether I should publish this post to share with readers. A 95% successful simple butter cake, after long thoughts and since some readers are requesting it, I have decided to share.

The next question is is

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