This item have at least appeared in my post twice and just give you a close up of how does it look like.
Series 14’s answer can be found here.
Answer: posted on 19 May 2013
This is Pedilanthus tithymaloides,
What is this series-14?
Today’s item, the color is original and if you follow my post, you will sure know it.
Series 13’s answer can be found here
Answer: posted on 17 May 2013
This is a section of the
What is this series-13?
To be fair, I have use the sepia photographic effect on this image. So guess what is it?
Series 12’s answer can be found here
Answer: Posted on 16-5-2013
This is a gift that one of
What is this series – 12?
Tiger is very rough and people would not dare to touch it. This item is something that most people will wanted to touch it.
Yesterday’s answer can be found here.
Have to reiterate
What is this series- 11?
This item is a very common sight in bigger cities. Actually, not that tough but nice patterns.
Answer: Posted on 14-May-2013
This is a view I photographed from my balcony overlooking another HDB Block. If
What is this series- 11?
This item is a very common sight in bigger cities. Actually, not that tough but nice patterns.
Series 10 answer can be found here.