What is this series –Series 32?
You know I always set my puzzle related to my kitchen. This is no exception! Simple. If you never see them in the kitchen, there is a possibility that you will meet them
What is this series ? – Series 28
As the title implies, it is a type of our food which is solid, meaning, it is not any soup or liquid food at all. It can be eaten raw or cooked.
What is this series? – Series 27
I love the colour. It is very bright. This picture have appeared in my blog before. Of course, if it appeared in my blog, it will either be in the kitchen or in
What is this series ? Series 27
The above two pictures are of the same item and in fact from the same pictures. The colour is rather irrelevant as this item can be of any color. However, the original color
What is this series ? – Series 24
I have been stopping this series for quite a while, not because I do not have the patterns or designs but because I am too engrossed on the other series. I
What is this series ? – Series 24
I have been stopping this series for quite a while, not because I do not have the patterns or designs but because I am too engrossed on the other series. I
What is this series – Series 23?
Is this too easy? It is actually. If you follow my blog, you will sure to find it. Again, I just like the pattern. It is not a competition and this is just
This item have at least appeared in my post twice and just give you a close up of how does it look like.
Series 14’s answer can be found here.
Answer: posted on 19 May 2013
This is Pedilanthus tithymaloides,
What is this series-14?
Today’s item, the color is original and if you follow my post, you will sure know it.
Series 13’s answer can be found here
Answer: posted on 17 May 2013
This is a section of the
What is this series-13?
To be fair, I have use the sepia photographic effect on this image. So guess what is it?
Series 12’s answer can be found here
Answer: Posted on 16-5-2013
This is a gift that one of