Hmmm, Green And Red Are Not A Bad Combination At All…. 7
Hmmm, Green And Red Are Not A Bad Combination At All….

What is this series? – Series 26

This is relatively easy. I just like the colour. From the colour you may be able to guess the 3 food items that we are consuming. Try as it is very obvious.


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You Love These Little Red Cutie? 11
You Love These Little Red Cutie?

This item have at least appeared in my post twice and just give you a close up of how does it look like.

Series 14’s answer can be found here.

Answer: posted on 19 May 2013

This is Pedilanthus tithymaloides,

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If My Son Is Crazy, I Am Insane....…… 83
If My Son Is Crazy, I Am Insane….……


I am asking myself, are you crazy? Are you insane? Are you psychotic? …

My son drew this and I colored it..

The above are pictures that were drawn by my son, I colored it and my daughter traced it.

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