Leek Stir Fried With Roast Pork (大蒜烧肉)

Leek Stir Fried With Roast Pork (大蒜烧肉)


This dish looks like a Chinese New Year dish since both leek and roast pork only commonly appeared during Chinese New Year seasons.. It may be the case traditionally but since now we can get leeks and roast pork whole year around, I believed it has “downgraded” its status to a common household dish prepared during the normal days..

Leek Stir Fried With Roast Pork (大蒜烧肉)

Roast pork seldom appeared during my childhood days as it is not a common item when compared to char siu. Occasionally, you could bought it at the barbecue pork stores.. Therefore, I have never tasted this combination during my childhood days. But apparently it is common with other families as this is quite a common dish in Facebook food groups. . I always seen members cooked leek in this manner. Without tasting it, I will know that this is a delicious dish since roast pork fried with any vegetables will be delicious.

Leek Stir Fried With Roast Pork (大蒜烧肉)

For this illustration, I did not prepare my own roast pork, instead, I used store bought version. Home preparation roast pork is not difficult and if you are interested, you can refer to this post: Crispy Roast Pork Or Sio Bak (脆皮烧肉)

Leek Stir Fried With Roast Pork (大蒜烧肉)

Just like any simple household recipe, this type of recipe is quick and easy and can be done within 5 minutes. Variations are many and I am sharing more of a concept rather than a recipe since almost every ingredient can be adjusted to suit your taste bud. This dish goes well with either rice or porridges.

Leek Stir Fried With Roast Pork (大蒜烧肉)


Servings: 3-4 adult servings

Leek Stir Fried With Roast Pork (大蒜烧肉)

  • 6 stalks of Chinese leeks
  • 6 pieces of shitake mushrooms, soaked until soft
  • 6 cm long carrot
  • 200 grams of roast pork


  • Salt to taste
  • 2 dashes of white pepper
  • 1 teaspoon of chicken stock powder

Leek Stir Fried With Roast Pork (大蒜烧肉)


Leek Stir Fried With Roast Pork (大蒜烧肉)

  • Slice the mushroom into thin slices and carrots thinly. For the pork, if preferred, you can slice into smaller pieces.

  • For the leek, segregate the white portion and the green leafy portion. For the white portion, slice diagonally and for the green portion, cut into big chunks. Put in separate bowls as they will be used at different timing.

Leek Stir Fried With Roast Pork (大蒜烧肉)

  • Heat up a wok with 1 tablespoon of oil, sauté the mushrooms, white portion of leek and shredded carrots under high heat until the white portion of the leek is soft. Add the roast pork , stir fry for 2-3 minutes before adding the green portion of leek. Stir until well mixed add about 1/2 cups of water. Bring to boil and once it boils, reduce the heat to medium and let it simmer until the dish is drier. Add the seasoning, stir fry until well combined and off the heat. Best served hot with white rice or porridges.

Leek Stir Fried With Roast Pork (大蒜烧肉)


I hope this recipe will benefit those new house chefs. Feel free to explore by amending to suit your taste buds. In general, it make no sense that you purposely buy roast pork for this dish but it will be ideal if you have leftover roast pork that you have prepared or bought from the stores. Do give it a try and let me know if it suits your taste buds.

Leek Stir Fried With Roast Pork (大蒜烧肉)

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Leek Stir Fried With Roast Pork (大蒜烧肉)

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Leek Stir Fried With Roast Pork (大蒜烧肉)

Leek Stir Fried With Roast Pork (大蒜烧肉)

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Leek Stir Fried With Roast Pork (大蒜烧肉)

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Leek Stir Fried With Roast Pork (大蒜烧肉)

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