There is another method of preparing this kuih which is faster and purely leavened by baking soda. I am trying out and outcome is good. However, personally, I still prefer to use the yeasted method (recipe 1) though it will take a bit longer than the baking soda method. Personally, I like yeast flavored kuih and pastries. Please refer to recipe 2 for the quick method.
This is a childhood snack that grew up with me! It is still commonly found in Singapore as there are chain stores that sell this type Asian turnover pancake. It comes with many different flavour, peanut, cheese, red bean and etc.… It can also thin and crispy or thick and chewy.. In English, at times, it was called “Turnover Pancake” but in Malay, it is called “Apam Balik” or Indonesian called it “Murtabak Manis”. It is believed that this is a snack of Arab influences..
The recipe that i am sharing today is from an Indonesian friend of mine.. therefore it is an Indonesian version of Apam Balik. The filling is a bit difference with ground peanuts, condensed milk and cheese. However, filling is up to individual to tailor made to suit their taste buds. What is important is the preparation of the batter in making the snack.
I am happy to have found the recipe and pleased with the results. However, as it is the first try for me, the pan frying still needs some practises. I have prepared two pancakes, one of which is not really successful as I have used the wrong pan and have difficulty to judge the doneness of the pancake. … However, for the second pancake that i prepared, I have changed to another pan and the results was much better though it is still darker than what i wanted to..
One thing good about this homemade peanut pancake is that one can have as much fillings as you wish.. You can also adjust the types of fillings, sweetness and the quantities of butter used…
Servings: About two 9” diameter Peanut Pancake
Part A
250 grams of plain flour (普通面粉)
15 grams of castor sugar (白糖)
1 packet of yeast (about 10 grams) (酵母)
350 grams of warm milk or water (温奶或白水)
1 teaspoon of baking powder (发粉)
Part B
2 eggs (鸡蛋)
1/2 teaspoon of baking soda (苏打粉)
15 grams of castor sugar (白糖)
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract (optional and not in picture) (香精)
Pinches of salt (not in picture) (盐巴)
Part C
Enough butter or margarine for oiling the pan (黄油)
Adequate sweetened peanut powder (I bought ready made peanut powder) (花生粉)
Some breakfast cheese slices or cheddar cheese (奶酪片-切小)
Some condensed milk for drizzling on the pancake.(not in picture) (炼奶)
Toasted white sesame seeds (白芝麻).
Additional castor sugar for sprinkling (optional) (白糖)
A flat bottom stir frying pan.
- 250 grams of plain flour or all purpose flour
- 30 grams of white sugar
- 400 ml or grams of fresh milk
- 1/2 teaspoon of salt
- 1 egg
- 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda
- Fillings of your choice – can refer to recipe 1 for the inspiration
Put all the ingredients (except yeast) in a mixer and beat until the batter smooth and thicken which took about 10 minutes.
Put the yeast and use a hand whisk to whisk it until combined. Cover with a damp cloth and let it proof for about 45 minutes to an hour. At the end of one hour, you should start to see a lot of bubbles surfacing up.
After proofing, put all ingredients in Part B and whisk until combined in a separate bowl. Pour the whisk eggs mixture to the proofed batter. Whisk until combined and covered with the damp cloth and let it proof for another 10-15 minutes. It is likely that more small bubbles will be formed.
Heat a 9 inches flat thick frying pan over medium heat. Put some butter to melt and spread evenly on the thick frying pan. Put 1-2 ladles in the pan and swirl around to ensure consistent thickness. Reduce the heat from medium to low heat and cooked for about 5 minutes until bubbles/holes started to appear. Sprinkle sugar and reduce to low heat and cooked for 15 minutes until the surface dries up. Add additional butter, cheeses, condensed milk and sprinkle with peanuts and additional sugar if desired. Flip over the pancake to cover the other side. Perform the same for the remaining of the batter. (Note: Another way is when the pancake is cooked, you can transfer the pancake to a flat surface, applied the butter and top the fillings instead of doing it in the pan). Cut into desired sizes for serving. Best served warm with a cup of tea or coffee.
Recipe 2
- In a bowl, crack the eggs and mix with milk, lightly beaten until well combined. Sift the plain flour into a big mixing bowl, make a well in the center and gradually add in beaten eggs plus milk, stir until as combined as possible. Sift the batter into another bowl, and leave it for at least 1.5 hours. (The longer you leave the batter, the more stretch-ability of the cake will have. You can also leave the batter overnight.)
- Once the batter is ready, heat up a non stick pan and sift in the baking soda, stir until well mixed. Pour about half the batter to the non stick pan, pan fried using MEDIUM TO LOW HEAT, cover the pan and wait until bubbles start to appear and the top starts to dry. Add your preferred filling and pan fry for another 1-2 minutes before dishing up and cut into pieces for serving.
I am happy to have found the recipe and so that I can prepare it at home. It is not difficult except some time for the proofing of the batter. Hope you like the post day. Cheers.
Hope you like the post today, cheers and have a nice day
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Thanks for sharing this with us at the Four Seasons Blog Hop. I pinned it!
Can the batter be made n left over night in the fridge? So can make it early morning
since there are yeast , there is a chance . You may want to try on a small scale first
Kenneth, in Penang, they add in any filling from West to East !! I have eaten Tuna mixed into with mayonnaise salad , ham, sausages with cheese , sardine, sambal ikan bilis and so on. You can try that too !! What about adding some rice flour in the batter so that it will be crispy !! I have not tried but I came across recipe with some rice flour to make it crispy.
I think the eggs that make it soft !! Or try to add in 1 egg or non for your next try. If you wish to make them in the morning, don’t add in the Baking soda at night, add in B ingredients in the morning before you make the pancakes as the Chef said that once adding the BS, it will start to react — for the pau making, add it after the 1st proving. Happy cooking !!