Updated post on 18-9-2016
Upload of new pictures. Today I prepared another one and instead of black sesame powder, i have added pine nuts, raisins, gojiberries, jujube and candied peel. Personally, I loved this type of pan fried bread..I love the slightly chewy texture. It is fulfilling and very healthy as no fats were used.
Processed with MOLDIV
If you like bread, there is no reason that you do not like this.. This is a Chinese traditional bread prepared using stove top instead of the oven. Most will know oven is not common in Asian countries until rather recently. However, you can still prepare using oven if you wish to.
The ingredients are rather similar – yeast, flour and water. If you want, you can wrap in some fillings. However, for this recipe, I have adjust the sweetness such that you can eat it plain as it is.. You can also prepare savoury version by adding spring onion.
My first exposure eating this type of bread is when I was stationed in Changchun , North Eastern part of China. It was even served as a substitute of rice in certain restaurants。 Shandong province is also very famous for its Shandong dabing (山东大饼) It can also be found in various market just like kuih muih being sold as breakfast item over here. People just grabbed a piece and eaten it as breakfast.
I like this type of simple traditional bread or dabing (大饼)。 It is yeasted flavour, slightly chewy and definitely not oily. It goes well with soya bean milk or coffee or tea or any type of beverages. it is fulfilling and I would rate it as a healthy breakfast alternative.
This recipe will benefit those who do not have any oven at home and can still get some freshly homemade bread .. Hmmm, in fact it is very similar to English muffins .. Is it not all worldwide cuisines are interrelated?
Servings: Prepare a 6-8 inches diameter pan fried bread
240 grams of plain flour
120 grams of lukewarm water
3 tablespoons of black sesame powder (optional)
1 tablespoon of instant yeast
30 grams of castor sugar
Adequate toasted sesame seeds for coating
Pinches of salt
Put plain flour, instant yeast, black sesame powder, castor sugar and lukewarm water into the mixing bowl of a standing mixer. Knead for 15-20 minutes until the dough is smooth and leaves the side of the mixing bowl.
Transfer out to a lightly floured surface, lightly knead for a few minutes, shape round and let it proof until double in size. While proofing, cover with a wet towel or clingy wrap.
After the first proofing, punch out the air and shape the dough into a long shape with about 15 inches long. Roll the dough inwards until the shape looks like a snail as in the picture. Use a rolling pin to roll it flat. Lightly brush the surface with some water and sprinkle adequate sesame seeds. Use a rolling pin to roll again and ensure the sesame seeds stick to the dough.. Turn the dough and perform the same for the other side.
In a round frying pan, put a piece of baking paper. Transfer the round dough to the frying pan and let it proof until double in size. Once the second proofing is done, place the frying pan on top the stove, cover with a lid and cook over the stove under “LOWEST HEAT “ for about 15-20 minutes. Turnover and cook the other side for another 15-20 minutes until the sides are golden brown. Cut into small pieces before serving. Alternatively, you can also use oven to bake at 180 degree Celsius for about the same timing.
If you do not have an oven at home, you can try to prepare this type of Chinese bread.. I like this bread very much and I hope this recipe will give you another choice of healthier breakfast items. In fact, modifications are many, you can always add chocolate or matcha or other flavouring that you like.. It is also rather common that spring onion was used to flavour the bread…Lastly, calling it as a Chinese bread is because I can’t find an equivalent terms in English..
Hope you like the post today. Cheers and have a nice day
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