This is a simple preserved green chilli that West Malaysian like to have it with Wanton noodles or other noodle dishes. When I first arrived in Kuala Lumpur, I was so surprised that the preserved chilli is green chilli as contrast to red chilli used in Sarawak, East Malaysia. Having meals with my West Malaysian university mates would know that how welcoming was this chilli to them. At times, I saw that the green chillies in their plate were more than the economy noodles!
A reader is requesting for a “recipe” and I told her I will search for her and will post the illustration here. What I discovered is that the way of making is the same as in Sarawkian’s preserve red chilli except that we don’t usually blanched the chilli since we will not be eating like a snack as red chilli is much hotter (spicier) than green chilli.
This is a post for records and I do not think I need to explain more about this pickled green chilli. If your are interested in other pickled dishes, you can refer to: Chinese Pickled Radish Appetizer (爽口甜辣腌萝卜). This appetizer is very common in Chinese restaurant in China and Taiwan.
There is also a preserved long bean recipe available in: Preserved Long Beans (酸豆角). A traditional recipe also requested by some readers . It is tangy and usually used to stir fry minced meat.
Not forgetting the acar. Acar Sarawak can keep for months or even years if you did it properly : Sarawak Pickled Cucumber – Acar Timum Sarawak
Of course, if you prefer the nonya acar awak, the recipe is here: Nonya Acar Awak (娘惹泡菜)
- About 100 grams of green chilli
- About 150 ml or grams of Chinese distilled vinegar
- 5 tablespoons of white sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon of salt
- Wash the chilli and cut into small pieces. Put the cut chilli into a sieve and sieved away the seeds.
- Boil some water and pour to the chilli and let it soak for 1-2 minutes. The main aim is as an added precaution to wash away unseen dirt and to lower the spiciness since most people will like to eat it as a “snack”.
- Transfer all the blanched chilli to a sterilized glass bottle. You can sterilize the glass bottle by putting it in hot boiling water for 2 minutes and ensure that the bottle does not have any oil. This will ensure the bottle is free of any unwanted bacteria that may shorten the shelf live of the pickles.
- Add in the sugar, salt and adequate white vinegar to cover the blanched green chillies. You can adjust the quantity of sugar and salt to your liking. The chilli can be served 2-3 hours after pickling with noodle dishes and etc.
If you like this chilli pickles, you can easily do it at home. Personally i will not buy those from the stalls as the preparation is fast and easy.
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