Stove Top Pizza or Skillet Pizza (煎锅比萨饼) 29
Stove Top Pizza or Skillet Pizza (煎锅比萨饼)

 Stove Top Pizza or Skillet Pizza (煎锅比萨饼)


When I saw this video in Facebook from above stove top pizza, I immediately have the urge to try preparing it. …It looks extremely easy and tasty and if you are interested to view the video in full, you can refer to the following link:

Stove Top Pizza or Skillet Pizza (煎锅比萨饼)

Today, I tried out the recipe and in general, I am satisfied with the recipe. It is fast and easy to prepare .. There is nothing much to complain about except the pizza base is not as fluffy as the recipes that require kneading and proofing..

Stove Top Pizza or Skillet Pizza (煎锅比萨饼)

It took me only about half an hour to prepare this and I would think that my pizza base will be much better if my homemade pizza sauce are not as wet as the store bought.

Stove Top Pizza or Skillet Pizza (煎锅比萨饼)

Though not as fluffy, the effect is not obvious at all. This is a 9” pizza and with so little flour, the base is very thin. Some part are rather crispy but some part is a bit dense.. Having said that, I would think this is a fun adventure and I will definitely be re=preparing it when there is a sudden urge for pizza. Well, the kids and me have finished all within minutes..

Stove Top Pizza or Skillet Pizza (煎锅比萨饼)


Recipe adapted from:

Servings: Prepare a 8”-9” pizza

Stove Top Pizza or Skillet Pizza (煎锅比萨饼)

  • 62.5 grams (1/2 cup) of self raising flour
  • 62.5 grams (1/2 cup) of plain flour
  • 177 grams of ml (2/3 cup) of lukewarm water
  • 1 teaspoon of instant yeast
  • Pinches of salt
  • Pizza topping of your choice*

*For this illustration, I have used mozzarella cheeses, mushrooms, canned pineapples, tomatoes and pasta tomato sauce.

Stove Top Pizza or Skillet Pizza (煎锅比萨饼)


Stove Top Pizza or Skillet Pizza (煎锅比萨饼)

  • Put all the pizza base ingredients on a non stick skillet. Stir until well combined, spread as evenly as possible . Add your pasta sauces followed by your desired toppings.

Stove Top Pizza or Skillet Pizza (煎锅比萨饼)

  • Add the cheeses and place the lids on top of the skillet. Cook the pizza under medium to high heat for 15 minutes.


  • Original recipe called for 5 minutes with the vent in the lid off and another 10 minutes with the vent on.. As my skillet do not have such a function, therefore, I have let the vent on throughout the entire preparation.

Stove Top Pizza or Skillet Pizza (煎锅比萨饼)


I will not say that this is the best pizza, weighing against  the amount of effort spend in the preparation, I personally think that this is a fast and easy pizza recipe worth trying, As the base is very thin, whether or not it is fluffy is of secondary importance, you will not feel it especially you have a huge amount of toppings.

Stove Top Pizza or Skillet Pizza (煎锅比萨饼)

Hope you like the post today. Cheers and have a nice day

Stove Top Pizza or Skillet Pizza (煎锅比萨饼)

Stove Top Pizza or Skillet Pizza (煎锅比萨饼)

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