Roti Pratha Sausage Rolls (香肠脆卷)

Roti Pratha Sausage Rolls (香肠脆卷)


“A sausage roll is a British savoury pastry snack, popular in Commonwealth nations and beyond. They are sold at retail outlets and are also available from bakeries as a take-away food. A miniature version can be served as buffet or party food. The basic composition of a sausage roll is sheets of puff pastry formed into tubes around sausage meat and glazed with egg or milk before being baked. They can be served either hot or cold. In the 19th century, they were made using short crust pastry instead of puff pastry.”(Source:

Roti Pratha Sausage Rolls (香肠脆卷)

I was rather shocked that Wikipedia has a detail definition of sausage rolls as I thought that it is just something very simple. Obviously, it does play an important role in western cuisines as I saw many Australian Facebook Group members are preparing this snack for parties.

Roti Pratha Sausage Rolls (香肠脆卷)

It is unusual for me to share this type of recipes that used ready made ingredients: sausage and puff pastry and it is a two steps recipe that only requires wrapping and baking. However, thinking that some readers may want to have some fuss free impressive party snack, they can consider this rather cheap snack.

Roti Pratha Sausage Rolls (香肠脆卷)

I called it cheap because I have used frozen roti prata instead of the expensive imported puff pastry. Trust me, if you like roti prata or roti canai, you will definitely not complaining and I believed if you did not tell your guests, they will not know it is roti prata.

Roti Pratha Sausage Rolls (香肠脆卷)

Of course, you can also buy the expensive pampas puff pastry which is at least 3-4 times more expensive than the frozen roti prata.

Roti Pratha Sausage Rolls (香肠脆卷)

If you think that all these processed food are not good for health, and you want to lay your hand into making your own puff pastry, you can refer to this post:  Homemade Filo Pastry–Curry Pie With Filo Pastry and Sausage Puff Snack (家居酥皮). This recipe is unique as the puff pastry was prepared using olive oil.

Roti Pratha Sausage Rolls (香肠脆卷)

Another method of homemade puff pastry is the authentic French method of making croissants, this you can refer to this post: Home Made Croissants (家居自制牛角包). Instead of shaping into croissant shape, you can just wrap the sausage using your homemade puff pastry.

Roti Pratha Sausage Rolls (香肠脆卷)

If you are very worry about processed sausage have too much preservatives and nitrites that may jeopardize your health, you can do your homemade sausage and refer to this post for recipe: Homemade Chicken Sausage (家居自制鸡肉香肠)

Roti Pratha Sausage Rolls (香肠脆卷)



Roti Pratha Sausage Rolls (香肠脆卷)

  • Some frozen roti prata  or puff pastry of your choice
  • Some Chicken franks of your choice

* As the recipe is full of variations and based on the packaging and size of the frozen roti prata, no details quantities will be provided. What you saw is 6 pieces small roti prata that weighed about 300 grams . It is just nice for one chicken frank per piece of roti prata.

Roti Pratha Sausage Rolls (香肠脆卷)



Roti Pratha Sausage Rolls (香肠脆卷)

  • Pre-heat the oven to 200 degree Celsius. If there is an instruction stated in the packaging, please follow the temperature stated in the package as every puff pastry may have different ingredients that need different temperature.

  • Defrost the roti prata and chicken franks. Place a piece of the chicken frank near one end of the roti prata. To maximize the recovery rate and for better presentation, cut off the side of the roti prata.  Place the cut sides towards one end of the roti prata.

  • Roll the sausage with the roti prata AS TIGHT AS POSSIBLE. Cut into your desired length.

  • Egg wash sausage rolls and sprinkle with some sesame seeds if preferred. For egg washing, crack one egg yolk, add 1 teaspoon of milk or water, stir until well combined, sieved before application.

  • Bake in the oven at 200 degree Celsius for 20-30 minutes or until your desired colour tone.

Roti Pratha Sausage Rolls (香肠脆卷)


This is a presentable snack for party gathering. Whether puff pastry or frozen roti prata, the decision is yours.  Do give it a try and let me know if it suits your taste bud.

Roti Pratha Sausage Rolls (香肠脆卷)

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Roti Pratha Sausage Rolls (香肠脆卷)

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Roti Pratha Sausage Rolls (香肠脆卷)

Roti Pratha Sausage Rolls (香肠脆卷)

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Roti Pratha Sausage Rolls (香肠脆卷)

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Roti Pratha Sausage Rolls (香肠脆卷)

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