Updated post on 21/11/2016
Re-prepare the recipe using full amount for fruits for picture taking purposes. Happy with this cake..
I have a pack of dried fruits sitting in my shelves for a long time, by hook and by crook, I must get rid of it..
Since I do not have a golden or light fruit cake recipe, I have decided to design a recipe…. What disappointed me is that I have only used on 1/3 of the fruits in my recipe…
The outcome is my fruit cake have very little fruits and my kitchen still have another 160 grams of mixed fruit sitting there. What a blunder and it is best not to do any baking before I drink my morning coffee..
Well there is no fault to the recipe and in fact the cake is delicious. Well, it is easy to imagine the taste, a butter cake with mixed fruits. In my case, since fruit is less, it will be more like a butter cake. Haha.
Since I am still on my vegetarian diet, in this illustration, I did not use any alcohol. I used orange juice instead. Therefore, this recipe is equally applicable to Muslim readers.. If you preferred, you can substitute the orange juices with cherry wine or rum.
Servings: Prepare an 8” fruit cake
250 grams of butter, softened at room temperature
250 grams of mixed fruits
225 grams of castor sugar
100 grams of self raising flour
150 grams of plain four
4 eggs lightly beaten
50 grams or ml of fresh orange juice
1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
Pre-heat the oven to 160 degree Celsius.
Soaked the mixed fruits in orange juices for 15 minutes, drain, collect the orange juice and set aside. (if you wish, put 2 tablespoons of self raising flour to coat the fruits first to avoid probable sinking because some soaked fruit are too wet).
Cream the butter and sugar until light and creamy. Add eggs one by one , beating thoroughly after each addition. Scrap the sides to ensure that there is none stick to the bottom and the sides.
Fold in the soaked fruits, flour and collected orange juices in 3 stages until well combined. Folding shall be light and fast. (to avoid fruit sinking, another way is to fold flour and orange juices first, once it is ready, very lightly fold in the flour coated mixed fruits)
Bake in the pre-heated oven of 160 degree Celsius for 45 minutes to 1 hour or when a skewer inserted comes out clean. Cool in the tin for 20 minutes before turnout into a wire rack. Cool completely before cutting.
If you follow the recipe exactly, your outcome will be difference from what you saw in the picture. you will have more fruits in the cake. Hope this recipe will benefit those readers who are looking for a simple, fast and easy fruit cake recipes.
Hope you like the post today. Cheers and have a nice day.
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