Hong Kong Supreme Soya Sauce Fried Noodles (豉油皇炒面)

Hong Kong Supreme Soya Sauce Fried Noodles (豉油皇炒面)


While Singapore and Malaysia breakfast items have economy fried noodles, Hong Kong has this very humble soya sauce fried noodles. It is very humble as the flavour of the noodles is purely from soya sauce and you can easily get it in hawker centre or breakfast stores.

Hong Kong Supreme Soya Sauce Fried Noodles (豉油皇炒面)

Having said that, this noodle is one of the iconic representative of Hong Kong breakfast cuisines and you can easily Google many write up of this noodles in Hong Kong publications.

Hong Kong Supreme Soya Sauce Fried Noodles (豉油皇炒面)

“豉油皇炒麵香港的一種,常見於香港的酒樓茶餐廳大排檔和粥店。豉油皇炒麵所需的食材簡單,做法簡易,主要以豉油作為調味。一般做法是先爆香乾,加入生抽老抽麻油雞粉成「豉油皇」,幼麵下鑊用豉油皇炒,再加入韭菜銀芽,炒勻即成。因為香港的豉油皇炒麵通常只會加入韭菜、芽菜或其他切絲的蔬菜,並不會加入肉類,所以可作為一道素菜。” (Source: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%B1%89%E6%B2%B9%E7%9A%87%E7%82%92%E9%BA%B5)

Hong Kong Supreme Soya Sauce Fried Noodles (豉油皇炒面)

I am rather familiar with this noodle dish but I do not have a chance to try the authentic version in Hong Kong but this noodles appeared in many Chinese hotels as breakfast items. That is how I get to know this humble noodle as it is always one of the buffet items in the hotels when I am staying long term in China.

Hong Kong Supreme Soya Sauce Fried Noodles (豉油皇炒面)

I do not think there are much difference with our economy fried noodles except the noodles itself. While most local Malaysian and Singaporean stores are using fresh thick yellow noodles, but Hong Kong version is using wanton mee look alike yellowish thin, alkaline noodles. What it yields is a plate of more springy fried noodles.

Hong Kong Supreme Soya Sauce Fried Noodles (豉油皇炒面)

I have been holding on this recipe because I am trying to locate the right noodle for the dish. I have a hard time to find the 生面皇 or the thin yellow noodles. Yesterday when I was at Giant, Singapore, I stumbled a close alternative this noodle, the scallop noodles. This is a Hong Kong brand and when I looked at the noodles, it looks like what most recipe has called for. I bought this rather costly dried noodles and prepare the noodles for dinner.

Hong Kong Supreme Soya Sauce Fried Noodles (豉油皇炒面)

Well, I found that the noodles are rather costly and I don’t rule out that these two fresh Hong Kong Style noodles sold in Singapore supermarket are good alternatives. i have never tried but after I cooked the dried noodles, it is rather similar to those freshly prepared type. Therefore, readers can consider the noodles suggested above.

Hong Kong Supreme Soya Sauce Fried Noodles (豉油皇炒面)


Servings: 3-4 adult servings

Hong Kong Supreme Soya Sauce Fried Noodles (豉油皇炒面)

  • 200 grams of dried Hong Kong Noodles (see above for alternatives)
  • 100 grams of bean sprout (to make it authentic must take off  head and tail)
  • 100 grams of chives or yellow chives (cut into small chunks)
  • 1 tablespoon of white or brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of dark soya sauce
  • 1 tablespoon of light soya sauce
  • 2 tablespoons of oyster sauce
  • 1 teaspoon of sesame oil
  • Pinches of salt

Hong Kong Supreme Soya Sauce Fried Noodles (豉油皇炒面)


Hong Kong Supreme Soya Sauce Fried Noodles (豉油皇炒面)

  • Clean the chives and cut the white colour part into small chunks and the the end area larger chunks. Separate the white colour and green colour chives.

Hong Kong Supreme Soya Sauce Fried Noodles (豉油皇炒面)

  • Bring a pot of water to boil, add 1 tablespoon of cooking oil, add the noodles and let it simmer until the noodles are soft . For this brand of noodle, it took about 4 minutes to become soft. It is advisable that you follow the noodle packaging instruction. Every package of noodles will have the instruction on how to cook the noodle.

  • Once the noodles are soft, drain the noodle and put under the tap water to let it rinse for about 1 minute such that the noodle will not stick together. Drain again and set aside. The step of rinsing with cold water is very important, otherwise, your noodles will stick become one ball and you will have difficulty to stir fry.

Hong Kong Supreme Soya Sauce Fried Noodles (豉油皇炒面)

  • In a wok, put 3 tablespoons of cooking oil or lard, sauté the white part of the chives until fragrant. Add the noodles, use a pair of chopstick to stir fry the noodles for 2-3 minutes. Add the dark soya sauce, oyster sauce, light soya sauce and sugar, stir fry until well combined. Add the beansprouts and green colour part of the chives. Stir fry for 1-2 minutes until the chives are soft. High heat shall be used for the entire stir frying process. It is advisable not to add any water while stir frying as it will reduce the springiness of the noodle.

Hong Kong Supreme Soya Sauce Fried Noodles (豉油皇炒面)


The dish is simple and the attractiveness of this dish is its soya sauce aroma . In Hong Kong, it was translated as Supreme soya sauce fried noodles, therefore, use your favourite aromatic soya sauce that is in your kitchen. To make it more authentic, traditionally, the bean sprout shall not have the bean and tails part attached to it but I will leave it to the readers to decide if you are going to throw away the head and tail part. Yellow chive should be a better alternative than the green chives as in this illustration.

Hong Kong Supreme Soya Sauce Fried Noodles (豉油皇炒面)

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Hong Kong Supreme Soya Sauce Fried Noodles (豉油皇炒面)

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Hong Kong Supreme Soya Sauce Fried Noodles (豉油皇炒面)

Hong Kong Supreme Soya Sauce Fried Noodles (豉油皇炒面)

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Hong Kong Supreme Soya Sauce Fried Noodles (豉油皇炒面)

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Hong Kong Supreme Soya Sauce Fried Noodles (豉油皇炒面)

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