Golden Fruit Cake (黄金杂果蛋糕)

Golden Fruit Cake (黄金杂果蛋糕)


While I was browsing my recipe book and this fruit cake really captured my attention.. I liked the golden colour combination for its ingredients.. To me it looks very sexy and beautiful and it will be very different from all the other type of fruit cake that I have tasted before..

Golden Fruit Cake (黄金杂果蛋糕)

As contrast to the normal fruit cake, this fruit cake uses castor sugar whereas other normal fruit cake mostly uses brown sugar. Only golden, yellowish and white colour ingredients is used. Therefore, normal ingredients such as currants , red and green cherries are omitted..

Golden Fruit Cake (黄金杂果蛋糕)

The preparation time is almost the same the traditional fruit cake and it is a good alternative as Christmas fruit cake.. It is a heavy cake and you can prepare now and keep until Christmas just like normal fruit cake. However, in this case, you will need to use alcohol for the cake.

Golden Fruit Cake (黄金杂果蛋糕)

If you looked at the picture, there are actually two sets. For one set, the cutting was done 4 hours after the baking. The cutting was very messy and the fruits drop from the cake… I am anxious when I saw this happened.. I posted in a Facebook Group and asked for advise. There is no definite advise given but somebody mentioned that her fruit cake always did not have any problem of cutting as she always deep freeze it until Christmas.

Golden Fruit Cake (黄金杂果蛋糕)

i told myself that may be deep freezing may help. I deep freeze for a night and the next morning when I cut, the fruit cake can be sliced beautifully. Honestly, I do not think there is anything wrong with the fruit cake. With such huge quantities of fruits and nuts, whoever cut it will definitely have such problems if the timing is incorrect.. What I am sharing is that if there is a tendency for the fruits to drop, do try my method of deep freezing. In fact, after deep freezing, I found that my cake are moister..

Golden Fruit Cake (黄金杂果蛋糕)


Recipe adapted from: Page 88, Golden Fruit Cake “The Essential Baking Cook Book” published by Murdoch Books in 2000

Servings: Prepare a 8” x 8” Fruit cake

Golden Fruit Cake (黄金杂果蛋糕)

  • 600 grams of mixed fruits (See note below)
  • 100 grams of nuts (See note below)
  • 250 grams of butter, softened
  • 200 grams of castor sugar
  • 200 grams of plain flour
  • 50 grams of self raising flour
  • 30 grams of condensed milk
  • 1 teaspoon of grated orange rind
  • 4 eggs
  • 60 ml or grams of sweet sherry wine or orange juices


  • For the mixed fruits mixed, you can choose all the golden colour fruits such as citrus peel, raisins, glace pears, glace apricots, glace pineapples, glace orange etc.. For this illustration I have use 1/2 of raisins and 1/2 golden fruit peels. As for the nuts, you can use blanched almonds, melon seeds, macadamia  or other nuts that is golden in colour and for this illustrations, i have used cashew nuts.

  • For Christmas fruit cake and if you are preparing it now, it is suggested that you use wine instead of orange juices as wine is a preservative and it will enhance the alcoholic aroma over time.

Golden Fruit Cake (黄金杂果蛋糕)


  • Pre-heat the oven to 160 degree Celsius. Lightly greased the baking tin or line the baking tin with baking paper.

Golden Fruit Cake (黄金杂果蛋糕)

  • In a bowl, put the dried fruits and nuts, add 1-2 tablespoons of flour and toss the fruit until it is evenly coated with flour.

  • Cream the butter, sugar and condensed milk until light and fluffy. Add in eggs one by one. Beat until well combined.

Golden Fruit Cake (黄金杂果蛋糕)

  • Sift in 1/3 of the flours, fold lightly, add 1/3 of the orange juice or cherry wine. Fold until well mixed. Perform the same for the remaining 2/3 of flours, orange juice or sherry wine.  Add the flour coated nuts and dried fruits. Fold lightly and swiftly until well combined. Transfer to the lightly greased tin, level and bake in the pre-heated oven of 160 degree Celsius for 1 hour 45 minutes to 2 hours or when a skewer inserts into the centre of the cake comes out clean. Let the cake rest in the baking tin for 30 minutes before unmoulding for cooling in the rack. Once completely cooled, store in an air tight container in the fridge or freezer.

Golden Fruit Cake (黄金杂果蛋糕)


I love this stunning looking fruit cake. It is my own self set target that I will share with reader one fruit cake one year. Do give it a try and let me know if this fruit cake capture the eyes of your guest.

Golden Fruit Cake (黄金杂果蛋糕)

Hope you like the post today. Cheers and have a nice day.

Golden Fruit Cake (黄金杂果蛋糕)

Golden Fruit Cake (黄金杂果蛋糕)

Golden Fruit Cake (黄金杂果蛋糕)

Golden Fruit Cake (黄金杂果蛋糕)

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Golden Fruit Cake (黄金杂果蛋糕)

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