Updated post on 11-1-2017
I have decided to prepare this cake for Chinese New Year. I only cut some for picture taking and 80% of the cake will be wrapped in clingy wrap tightly and send to the freezer. When I want to eat the cake, i will defrost it at room temperature overnight.
Today’s i used soda crackers and kids loved them . The only regret is I am running out of cocoa powder and hence I am using milo which gives a much lighter colour. The batter can even be eaten before steaming since all the ingredients are cook ingredients.
I craved for this cake and of course I do not have any more Chinese New Year cookies. Therefore I have used more nestum and horlicks for the cake and I love the cake. Please refer to recipe 2 in red. Note that in order to expedite the steaming, it is still advisable to steam layer by layer. Otherwise, it will take a long time for the steaming.
If i tell you the cake was prepared using the 6 cookies as in the following picture, do you believe? Do you feel yucky? Are you willing to try? Yes, this cake was prepared using some walnut cookies, cereal cookies, kuih bangkit, pastry of pineapple tarts (without jam), German cookies and Chocolate chips cookies. Don’t worry, you have an alternative to use Fresh Ingredients bought from the stores if you do not like the idea of using stale cookies.
During Chinese New Year, most families are loaded with cookies. You may have prepared yourself, bought from the stores or gifts from friends and relatives. Of course every family will try to prepare the optimum amount of cookies with no wastage at home to satisfy the yearly cravings or to serve guests.
Somehow or another, they bound to have cookies left that may be not as freshly baked or families members do not feel like eating the same cookies anymore. Some may suggest to give it away to security guards or foreign labour, but I do not think that It is good to give out leftover cookies that are stale..Stale means neither it is fresh nor turning bad, it is edible but not as delicious as freshly prepared.
Some may say why not just throw it away? I honestly believed that throwing food that are edible is more of a habit than any thing else. It needs training. If you are some one who used to throw food since young, you may not feel it. For those who have been trained to respect food, it is hard to throw any food if there are no valid justifications. Edible but no body want to eat is not a valid reason to throw away food. That is the reason that prompted me to find a quicker way to get rid of stale cookies.
I have faced this dilemma every year. In the previous few years, I have mostly used it to prepare cookies puddings but this year, I have decided to prepare it into a steamed cake. How is the taste, one might ask? I can assure you that it tastes better when compared to cake prepared using plain flour. Plain flour are plain but blended cookies powder are made from butter, eggs and flour. It is a flavoured flour and therefore the output is very delicious.
While I knew that purely using these cookies powder can churn out an eggy and buttery cake which I definitely can accept the flavour, however, I knew some may wonder if there is any flavour clashes? In fact, it will not be obvious unless you are using cookies that have a very strong flavour such as shrimp floss cookies. But to double ensure no flavour clashes, I have added some Nestum cereal and mask any flavour incompatibility.
Well, almost every cookies can be used for this cake but I will suggest the followings:
- Cookies selected must not change in appearance or taste. it may become soft but the taste did not change and the aroma is still there. Please try one cookie before you put in the food processor.
- Butter and cheese based hard cookies are preferred. For example: German cookies, butter cookies, Kaastengels cheese cookies, chocolate cookies, nuts cookies, coffee cookies and etc.. Even kuih bangkit, love letters can also be used. For pineapple tarts, it is only the pastry that shall be used and not the jam itself.
- Avoid using strong flavoured cookies such as bakwa cookies, shrimp floss cookies etc..
if you think that you do not want to do it this way or psychologically you cannot accept to have a cookie cake, do not worry, you can still prepare this cake. You can just substitute the cookies powder as mention above with either soda cracker powder or Marie biscuit powder. It will still be a very nice moist cake. Of course instead of blending the cookies, you are blending store bought biscuits. In fact, biscuit cakes using Marie or Soda Cracker is a famous steamed cake in Sarawak also.
Servings: Prepare an 6” x 6” cake
- 220 grams of butter
- 350 grams of biscuit powder or soda cracker powder or Marie biscuit powder
- 300 grams of condensed milk
- 5 eggs
- 100 grams of Nestum baby cereal
- 50 grams of cocoa powder or Milo
- 100 ml or grams of fresh milk
Recipe 2
- 220 grams of butter
- 250 grams of horlicks
- 300 grams of condensed milk
- 5 eggs
- 150 grams of Nestum baby cereal
- 100 grams of fresh milk
- Lightly grease a 6 inches baking tray. It is best to put a piece of baking paper to facilitate the dislodgement of the cake.
- Get ready a big steamer capable of steaming at least 1 hour 30 minutes. Otherwise, you will have to keep an eye on the water level and add hot water whenever necessary.
- Pick 350 grams of biscuits or cookies of your choice and blend it into fine powder. It is best that before you blend the cookies, taste one cookies if there are any changes in the taste and aroma. If yes, do not use this cookies. If you are not using stale cookies, you can use Marie biscuits or soda crackers.
- In a mixing bowl, beat butter until light and fluffy. Add the condensed milk and follow by eggs one by one. Beat until well combined. The batter can be rather wet at this juncture. Add in the Nestum cereal, stir until well mixed.
- Sift in the cookies powder/Marie biscuit powder/soda cracker powder. Stir until well mixed. Divide the batter equally into 2 portions. For one portion, add the cocoa powder. Stir until well mixed.
- Put about 1 cup of the the chocolate batter to the greased baking tin, level it, steam at medium heat for at least 12-15 minutes until a skewer insert in the centre comes out clean. Put 1 cup of the beige colour batter on top of the chocolate layer, level it, steam at medium heat for at least 12-15 minutes or until a skewer insert in the centre comes out clean. Perform the same for the remaining batter until all the batter have finished. During the steaming, you may need to wrap a towel on the cover to prevent water condensation and drop into the cake.
- Cool completely before dislodge and cut into serving sizes. The cake can keep well in chiller of the refrigerator. If prefer, you can store the cake in the freezer and it can keep for months in an air tight container.
Trust me, this cake is not yucky. If i do not tell one it is made from Chinese New Year cookies, most will not know the ingredients. Whether or not using Chinese New Year cookies is irrelevant, you can always use freshly prepared soda cracker or Marie biscuits to prepare this cake. Rest be assured that the cake are rich in flavour, moist, soft and addictive.
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