This is a unprecedented and impromptu post. I was having family lunch at a relative’s house and I just wanted some quick dinner for my family members and therefore I thought of preparing pizza. I arrived home at about 5:30 pm and get ready my pizza at about 7:00 pm. Of course i did quite a lot of things simultaneously and I used what I have at hand. Since I have lots of leek and bakwa aka pork jerky, I know they blend well as the pizza ingredients.
In fact, my main rationale of this post is not the pizza toppings but more on sharing a simple dough recipe that is fast and definitely acceptable to my family’s taste buds. The preparation of the pizza base need not to be as meticulous as the preparation of bread where it is advisable to have window pane tests such that it is pillowy soft. As for pizza, since it is very thin, as long as it forms a reasonable soft texture, it will be delicious to go with the toppings.
This recipe requires no mixing machines or bread makers. it is hand knead and uses the simplest no frill households ingredients. If you want it to be fast, I do not think there is a need to have a difficult recipe. Of course the more fussy readers can always use any favourite recipe as the pizza base. To me, there is no such a need if there are time constraints.
As for the toppings while I will share this oriental pizza toppings, you can always create your own. But if are not against leek and you have some bak kwa lying at home, do give it a try and I can assure you this recipe will suit most Asian taste buds.
Servings: A 7” pizza
Basic Pizza Dough
- 200 grams of plain flour
- 110 grams of lukewarm water
- Pinches of salt
- 4 grams of instant yeast
- 100 grams of bakwa or pork jerky
- 2 sprigs of leeks
- 50 grams of mozzarella cheeses
- 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise
- Pinches of salt
- 2 teaspoons of castor sugar
- In a mixing bowl, put the plain flour, instant yeast and salt. Gradually add the water and use a chopstick to stir until it resembles crumble form. The purpose is to avoid the flour sticking to your hand at this stage.
- Use your hand to knead the dough until the surface is smooth and does not stick to your hand. Note that this is not bread and therefore, it need not to be extremely smooth. I knead for about 5 minutes. Shape round and let it rest for 15 minutes before proceeding to the next step. After resting, your dough will be smoother.
- Lightly grease the base of a baking tin. Transfer the rested dough to the base and use a rolling pin to roll it round following the shape of base. Ensure that the base is as even as possible. Use a fork to pierce a few holes at the bottom and let it proof until it almost double in size which took about 30 minutes. Once proofed, bake in the pre-heated oven of 180 degree Celsius for about 15 minutes.
- While the dough is proofing, get ready the topping ingredients. Slice the leek into small pieces and chop the bakwa.
- In a pan, put a tablespoon of cooking oil, stir fry the leek until soft. Add the mayonnaise followed by the bakwa, sugar and salt. Stir fry until well mixed.
- Fill the crust with the toppings followed by the shredded cheeses. Bake in the pre-heated oven of 180 degree Celsius until the cheeses melt and become bubbly. Best served immediately when the pizza is out of the oven.
Once again, the main purpose of this post is to share the simple preparation of pizza dough. As for the toppings, my family members like it and of course you can use your favourite topping. If time permits, let your dough proof longer to get a fluffier pizza.
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