I have long wanted to blog this but never took the initiative. Another reason is because there are already tons of recipe in the internet be it in Chinese and English websites. Since I have some pomelo and mango in the house, I think it is time for me to blog this for records in the dessert section.
“Mango pomelo sago is a Hong Kong dessert said to be invented in 1984. It is composed of mango, pomelo, sago, coconut milk, cream and sugar. Mango pomelo sago is not only a dessert or drink, it is also a flavour for cake, ice-cream, ice pop and moon cake. “ (Source:
“楊枝甘露是一種香港甜品,起源於1980年代香港的粵菜酒家 。楊枝甘露除了是一種香港消暑甜品外,還被作為其他食品的味道,在香港便有商家生產楊枝甘露味道的雪糕和雪條,在中秋節也有餅店推出楊枝甘露味道的冰皮月餅。 楊枝甘露最早於1984年在香港的利苑酒家首先出現。 於1987年,準備在新加坡開設第一間海外分店「利苑餐廳」的時候,為了因應當地全年炎熱潮濕的東南亞氣候,於是便在開業前,由香港利苑酒家的名廚黃永幟 ,把原本該酒家的燉製甜品,改良成為一種冷吃的消暑甜品,他以冰凍的糖水、忌廉奶、西米露,結合芒果粒和西柚肉等食材,製成了這種口感滑潤和清甜爽口的新甜品。” (Source:
If you study carefully the definitions from both English and Chinese Wikipedia, you will know that there is a discrepancy in the ingredients used. English Wikipedia said that one of the ingredients is pomelo but Chinese Wikipedia said that it is grapefruit instead of pomelo. I am unsure who is correct but almost all Chinese recipes called for the use of red colour grape fruits yet English recipes called for the used of pomelo. I believed both is interchangeable as I have ever eaten in the restaurants that uses both pomelo and grape fruits. However, in this illustration, grapefruit is used.
This is the simplified recipe and is much easier than most recipe in the internet. I have reduced it into two main steps, the preparing of mango puree and the assembly of the ingredients. Taste is satisfactory and the recipes is full of variations.
Servings: 6-8 adult servings
- 1 can of evaporated milk (about 385 ml)
- 1 pack of coconut milk (about 200 ml)
- 4 mangoes (about 800 grams)
- 4 wedges of pomelo flesh or one red grapefruit fleshes
- 50 grams of sago pearl balls
- 50 grams of sugar
- 200 ml or grams of water (estimate) or fresh milk
- Soaked the sago pearl balls with adequate water until they fully expand which took about 10 minutes. Meanwhile, boil a pot of hot water. Add in the soaked sago pearls and stir the sago pearls in the hot water. Note that constant stirring is required throughout the cooking process.
During this process, you will witness the water become starchy like glue, keep stirring for about 10 minutes until all the balls looks translucent. Off the heat and cover the pot with a lid. Let is rest in the pot for at least 5-10 minutes before transferring out for draining. The resting in the pot is to let the remaining heat continue to cook the sago balls including the centre. You can always add in cold water throughout the process if you found that it become overly sticky. Once done, drain the balls in a big sift. Use running cold water to rinse the cooked sago balls and wash of the excess starch. Set aside.
- Peel all the mangoes. Cut the flesh of one mango into cubes and set aside.
- Cut the fleshes of other mangoes, put the fleshes, evaporated milk, sugar and coconut milk in a blender. Blend until fine. Transfer the puree into a big bowl, add the water and sago balls. Stir until well combined. Chill in the fridge until cold.
- For servings, have a serving bowl, put some mango flesh in the bowl, fill the bowl with the mango puree and sprinkle generously with pomelo flesh. Best served chilled after dinner as a dessert.
- The sugar stated in the recipe is considered as very conservative. You will need to adjust the sweetness after the preparation by adding more castor sugar or sugar syrup. The quantities required will very much depend on the acidity of the pomelo and ripeness of the mango. In this illustration, I have added almost 100 grams of sugar, otherwise it is too tangy to our liking.
- As for the consistency of the dessert, feel free to add more water or fresh milk if you find the dessert is too thick . What is stated in the recipe is also rather conservative . Some like it thick that flows through the throat yet some like it a bit more watery. Feel free to adjust.
- If you cannot take coconut milk from the packet , you can boil the coconut milk and let it cool completely.
- For coconut milk, evaporated milk, water and fresh milk, all these are interchangeable. If you cannot take coconut milk, you can always substitute with fresh milk or evaporated milk. If you run out of evaporated milk, you can use fresh milk to substitute.
- The colour of your dessert will depend on the colour of the mango . While i do not wish to suspect what is being served in the restaurant, I can help but doubtful if any egg yolk yellow colouring was added to make the dessert attractive.
The whole recipe is full of variations and most Chinese recipes will not give you any quantity for the recipe. It does make sense as not all mango are of the same size and some like it thick and creamy and some like it less sinful. This is my version for your consideration. Personally I think this easier method is acceptable. What you really need is to adjust the consistency and sweetness of the dessert to suit your family’s taste buds.
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