WHAT I COOKED TODAY SERIES (家常便饭系列)- 3 May 2013 (at Blk 664 Jalan Damai)
3 May 2013’s menu:
1. White carrot pork rib soup (白萝卜排骨汤)
2. Teochew style steamed red grouper (潮式蒸红斑)(Angkao)
3. Braised luffa/tower gourd with egg (蛋汁炆丝瓜)
4. Teochew style stewed pork belly (潮式卤五花)
Side notes
For item 4, usually, I would also put in some eggs, taopok (豆卜, dried bean curd), taokwa (豆干, another soya bean product). I decided to cook this is not because we like the pork belly but because my kids are requesting me to cook the braised eggs (卤蛋). Usually, it ended up i have to eat most of the meat that i cooked!!
Soup is an item that never misses in our dinner table. When i fetched my girl after her schools, before reaching the house and inside the lift, she would consistently ask me what is the soup I cooked today. If I said I did not cook any soup, you can immediately sense disappointment in her face. During dinner, the two monsters will fight over the soups especially if it is cooked with vegetables like winter melons, sweet corns, mushrooms, spinach, white carrots etc. …Again, they leave behind all the porks for me. That really made me mad as I was left with three choices to eat =gain weight, to throw = will be punished by god when i died or to keep = not tasty tomorrow and ended throwing again……..
When I proposed to them that we might as well all be vegetarians (it is perfectly okay for me), but they just object/brush away my suggestion! Conclusion: They want to eat soup with meat flavor but not the meat. I have to think of a way to curb this uncompromising situation…. Any ideas to share?