What I cooked today (家常便饭系列)- 10-7-2013 4
What I cooked today (家常便饭系列)- 10-7-2013

What I cooked today (家常便饭系列)- 10-7-2013

On 10 July 2013,

1 White Gourd Braised Rice 白莆焖饭
2 Oiless Fried Eggs 无油煎蛋
3 White Gourd Miso Soup with Meat Balls 白莆味真肉丸汤

White gourd braised rice can be consider as a dish by itself. However, I usually give everyone a fried egg. I dust it will seaweed pork floss since it is a bit sweet. You may be asking why is there white gourd miso soup since I already have a white gourd braised rice. This is because the white gourd that I bought is too big (about a kg) and I only used about 500g and I have only 500g left. Instead of keeping it, I just used it to make Miso soup and the taste is fantastic. I have added meatballs to it. I presumed this can be called a Japanese fusion dish..

The egg that I fried today is oil less fried rice, You may want to know how to do it from my earlier post here. As for the illustration of cooking Chawan braised rice, please refer to Guaishushu’s Facebook Page here.

Hope you like the post and have a nice day.


What I cooked today (家常便饭系列)- 10-7-2013

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