Is Pavlova Originated From Australia, Russia or New Zealand?–Strawberry and Blueberry Pavlova


Yesterday is really a busy day for me. I have been making mayonnaise, baking pizza and this Pavlova. By the time  I have to take picture of this Pavlova, I was feeling extremely tired and after I ate one

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You Stingy Old Man, You Ruined My Mexican Coffee Buns–Polo Buns and Mexican Coffee Buns 42
You Stingy Old Man, You Ruined My Mexican Coffee Buns–Polo Buns and Mexican Coffee Buns


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Guaishushu is seriously regretting for his “creativities” and “stinginess”. He made a batch of Polo buns and Mexican Coffee Buns. However, as the final proofing of his bun is less than his

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What I “Ate” Today (家常便饭系列)…. 17 August 2013- Special 16
What I “Ate” Today (家常便饭系列)…. 17 August 2013- Special

You may be surprised about this title! In fact, the title is not correct either. What I am going to post is not “what I cooked today” or “what I ate today”. It was a gathering at one of my

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Easy Peasy Barley Bean Curd Sheets Sweet Soup (腐竹薏米甜汤) 11
Easy Peasy Barley Bean Curd Sheets Sweet Soup (腐竹薏米甜汤)


This will be a straight forward short post.

A light, sweet and smooth desserts that will made me hard to resist whenever this dessert was served. It is a flexible dessert and if you wish, you can add in

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