I have a durian mooncake recipe, but it is a durian ice cream mooncake with snowskin. If you are interested, you can refer to this post: Durian Ice Cream Snowskin Mooncake (冰皮榴莲月饼). This is a delicious mooncake and
If you asked me if this mooncake taste nice? I will answer yes especially if you like the traditional Teochew mooncake – la pia (朥饼)。For Teochew La Pia recipe, you can refer to this post: Teochew Traditional Moon cake
This is not my invention, it is one of the mooncakes sold in Singapore.. Every year during the mooncake fair, you will see this mooncake being sold. However, I am unsure about the history and whether it is available
I stumbled across this type of mooncake while I was searching the recipe for the Cantonese five nuts mooncake that has ham and candied pork belly. I was stunned when I read the recipe, this Yunnan famous ham moon
Updated post on 15-802018
I have decided upload a new set of picture after I managed to get the mould from Taobao.
I have already sold almost 300 pieces non vegetarian version this year (2018) and will prepare another batch
Not everybody like snow skin moon cake and I am one of them. I do not like snow skin because of the Gao Fen (糕粉) which is the main ingredient of preparing snow skin moon cake though I have
I vouched that I never liked this traditional moon cake when I was a kid. It bound to appear every year in my house and I never touched it. It is usually very oily and full of gao fen
In current years, the moon cake markets have been flooded with many types of new fillings.. Most traditional Chinese cake houses, posh restaurants, hotels and other eating outlets will eye to have a share of this lucrative moon cake
updated post on 12-8-2016
Upload of new images from the various batches I have prepared using the same recipe.
I told members in my Facebook Group that as a Chinese food blogger, I will not do justice to my
Chinese Mooncake Festival or Mid Autumn Festival is arriving soon on 19-9-2013 (or Chinese Lunar Calendar August 15) and I think most bloggers will blog about moon cakes. There are many many moon cake recipes in the internet and there