What I cooked today (家常便饭系列)- 31-7-2013 12
What I cooked today (家常便饭系列)- 31-7-2013

On 31 July 2013, white rice served with

1 Indonesian Ginger Chicken 印尼姜鸡
2 Japanese Fried Ginger Chicken 日本炸姜鸡
3 Blanched White Stem Pak Choy with Japanese Salad Dressing 日式沙拉酱奶白
4 Bok Choy Meat and Fish Ball Soup 贸白菜肉丸鱼丸汤


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What I cooked today (家常便饭系列)- 25-7-2013 10
What I cooked today (家常便饭系列)- 25-7-2013

On 25-7-2013, white rice served with:

Miso Pork Belly 味增五花
Tofu, Meatballs and Glass Noodles Soup 豆腐鱼丸冬粉汤
Ginger and Chinese Fermented Bean Braised Fish 姜丝豆酱焖鱼
Blanched Choy Shym with Prawns 虾球菜心

Oh! It is time for me to

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What I cooked today (家常便饭系列)- 7-7-2013 6
What I cooked today (家常便饭系列)- 7-7-2013

On 8-July 2013, white rice served with:

1 Chinese Style Grilled Chicken  中式烤鸡
2 Double Mushroom Chicken Soup 双菇鸡汤
3 Foochow Preserved Mustard Fried With Minced Meat 福州糟菜炒肉碎
4 Blanched Choy Shym with Oyster Sauce and Meat Stripes 耗油菜心
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Blanching Vegetables in Chinese Cooking - 利用汆烫准备可口的中式的”菜”肴 8
Blanching Vegetables in Chinese Cooking – 利用汆烫准备可口的中式的”菜”肴


Traditional Chinese cooking don’t usually use the blanching method for cooking its vegetables. Usually, they stir fried with oil in a hot wok or frying pan. 

My mum will usually take out a frying pan, put in some oil,

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What I cooked today (家常便饭系列)- 5-6-2013 2
What I cooked today (家常便饭系列)- 5-6-2013

On 5 June 2013

White rice served with:

5-Jun Ladies Finger fried with Small Shrimps 小虾羊角豆
5-Jun Mapo Tofu 麻婆豆腐
5-Jun Bok Choy Pork Rib Soup 大白菜排骨汤
5-Jun Chinese spinach cooked with goof berry 枸杞子炒苋菜

Yesterday, we dine out with

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