Posts Tagged ‘Choy’
On 25-7-2013, white rice served with:
Miso Pork Belly | 味增五花 |
Tofu, Meatballs and Glass Noodles Soup | 豆腐鱼丸冬粉汤 |
Ginger and Chinese Fermented Bean Braised Fish | 姜丝豆酱焖鱼 |
Blanched Choy Shym with Prawns | 虾球菜心 |
Oh! It is time for me to
On 8-July 2013, white rice served with:
1 | Chinese Style Grilled Chicken | 中式烤鸡 |
2 | Double Mushroom Chicken Soup | 双菇鸡汤 |
3 | Foochow Preserved Mustard Fried With Minced Meat | 福州糟菜炒肉碎 |
4 | Blanched Choy Shym with Oyster Sauce and Meat Stripes | 耗油菜心 |
Traditional Chinese cooking don’t usually use the blanching method for cooking its vegetables. Usually, they stir fried with oil in a hot wok or frying pan.
My mum will usually take out a frying pan, put in some oil,
On 5 June 2013
White rice served with:
5-Jun | Ladies Finger fried with Small Shrimps | 小虾羊角豆 |
5-Jun | Mapo Tofu | 麻婆豆腐 |
5-Jun | Bok Choy Pork Rib Soup | 大白菜排骨汤 |
5-Jun | Chinese spinach cooked with goof berry | 枸杞子炒苋菜 |
Yesterday, we dine out with