How About A Passion Fruit/Peach Flavoured Chinese Steamed Sponge Cake or Kueh Neng Ko 33
How About A Passion Fruit/Peach Flavoured Chinese Steamed Sponge Cake or Kueh Neng Ko
  INTRODUCTION   This is my third post of Kueh Neng Ko or Chinese Steamed Sponge Cake. Chinese Steamed Sponge Cake and Sarawak Laksa had always been my two top posts since I set up this blog. In fact, since
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Christmas 2013 Is Approaching……. Gingerbread Man Biscuits 32
Gingerbread Man Biscuits (姜饼人)
INTRODUCTION Christmas is approaching, less than 1.5 months away. It is time to start prepare Christmas cuisines. I have a post on Christmas Boiled Fruit Cake in early October 2013 and I believed that is the right time to get
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Creams and Milk Make These Buns Worth To Try –Hokkaido Soft Milk Buns and Hokkaido Dome

Updated post on 14-8-2016

Upload of new picture and a video on shaping these soft buns. The attractiveness of these buns is because it is soft due to the high hydration ratio of more than 80%. Previously, there are readers

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Time To Nourish Your Body - Crockpot Chinese Imperial Herbal Chicken 30
Time To Nourish Your Body – Crockpot Chinese Imperial Herbal Chicken


Chinese believed that we have to constantly provide adequate nutrition and cleanse our body. This is especially so when the weather was cold and the body’s immunity and resistance are week. Therefore, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), herbs

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Simple and Easy Bake–Passion Fruit Yoghurt Butter Cake 29
Simple and Easy Bake–Passion Fruit Yoghurt Butter Cake


This was not a difficult bake at all. It is very easy and the results were very satisfactory.

I was introduced to passion fruits only very recently, possibly less than 5 years. I remembered the first time I had

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Chinese Steamed Yam And Pumpkin Cake (芋头金瓜糕)


I have decided to prepare some yam cake today to serve as snack for the family. There is slight changes in the recipes and as I was on a vegetarian diet, I have prepared the vegetarian

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One Of My Favourite Pizza …… Japanese Teriyaki Chicken Pizza

Upload of new pictures on 4-11-2016

Pizza is always one of my favourite comfort food though I don’t prepare it very often because I hate the long proofing time.. I am rather impatience. The last pizza I prepared was a

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Two Types of Asian Soft Buns For Your Breakfast–Roast Pork Buns and Kimchee Buns 50
Two Types of Asian Soft Buns For Your Breakfast–Roast Pork Buns and Kimchee Buns


This is a post on breakfast soft buns making. In Asia, it is rather common that breakfasts were served with soft, fluffy light buns. They can either be plain or with fillings. Since my wife have prepared some Kimchee

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My Wife Is Not A Korean, But She Likes To Prepare This –Korean Kimchee 48
My Wife Is Not A Korean, But She Likes To Prepare This –Korean Kimchee


I can’t remember exactly when was the first time I ate Kimchi. But it must be very recent! What I can remember is the time when Singapore and Malaysia was flooded with Korean Drama series, possibly 10 years ago?

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Luxurious Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Sauce–One Baking Ratio Number Adventure (12) 30
Luxurious Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Sauce–One Baking Ratio Number Adventure (12)


I have to admit that I am rather poor in cake decoration. When I prepared the chocolate sauce for the cake, the whole kitchen was in a mess. During photo taking sessions, that was another disaster.. The chocolate sauces

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