During Chinese New Year, besides Lapis, there is a huge demand of steamed cakes in Sarawak . These steamed cakes are very rich in flavour, delicious and extremely moist cakes.
These cakes are very expensive and can easily fetch
This is a special compilation for all the Chinese New Year related recipes. It will be divided into 3 posts.
- Part 1 (90 recipes) is concerning all the cookies, pastries pertaining to the Chinese New Year recipes.
I am unsure if readers are aware, few weeks before Chinese New Year, wet markets and supermarkets are full of Chinese leek (蒜) Most families will buy some leek and keep in the fridge because it has some auspicious
Eating abalone is definitely not common when I was young. We hardly or have no chance to eat abalone and we only knew about the term abalone from various literatures. It was always written that it is precious and
Pen Cai (Mandarin 盆菜) or Poon Choi (Cantonese) is a traditional dish for the Hakka and the Cantonese. I am not going to write more about this auspicious dish as Wikipedia has a very detail and extensive write up
Niangao or glutinous rice cake is a very important Chinese New Year Cake that most families will prepare and purchased during Chinese New Year. It signifies progression over the years or 年年高升.
In essence, niangao is made from glutinous
After I did my cookies compilation 2 days ago (SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 80 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 1–Cookies, Snacks and Cakes ( 80 春节食谱汇编 1–糕点和曲奇)) , do I still have any Chinese New Year Goodies to share? Yes,
i have always heard of this biscuit but I never try it before I blog this cookies. This Chinese New Year, it seems that it is a common Chinese New Year goodies in Chinese Facebook Groups. I also saw
As explained in my Braising egg white post earlier last week, egg whites can be a tedious problem for home baker especially during Chinese New Year. The egg white accumulated purely from egg washing can easily accumulate to 1
Koi or carp is an auspicious animal in Chinese traditional beliefs. It is common appeared in Chinese New Year goodies as it denotes progression in career 。 There is a Chinese (鲤鱼跃龙门) sayings that when carps in