SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)

SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)


This is a special compilation for all the Chinese New Year related recipes. It will be divided into 3 posts.

  • Part 2 (30 recipes) is this post for all traditional auspicious kuih used for praying, snack and dessert recipes which was consumed during the Chinese New Year period.


In this post, it is roughly categorized as follows:



Please note that the old blog : Http://kwgls.wordpress.com will be closed soon. All the recipes will be captured in this new blog : https://www.guaishushu1.com. Kindly save the link in the new blog for future reference.




Nian Gao (年糕) – Most household will at least have one or two nian gao as it signify progression in a family . There are two recipes inside. Bake and steamed version.

SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)

Ningbo Niangao, Shanghai Niangao or Bai Guo Gan (宁波年糕,上海年糕,白果干) –This is another type of nian gao which is not sweeten.  Actually, many dialects like Foochow and Shanghainese have the habit of eating this type of nian gao during Chinese New Year. During Chinese New Year, this product was placed together with other Chinese New Year goodies in supermarket.

SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)

Red Bean Niangao (红豆年糕) – This niangao is very common in Taiwan and Hong Kong and personally, I like it very much

SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)


Huat Kueh- Chinese Steamed Rice Flour Cake–A Cake That Brings You Luck And Prosperity – A must have for most family . This recipes is the rice flour version.

SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)

Yeasted Rice Flour Huat Kuih (粘米粉酵母发糕)– This type of huat kuih is common in Sarawak. It uses rice flour, spongy in texture and did not use eno etc..

SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)


Teochew Huat Kuih or Ka Kuih (潮州发糕,潮州酵糕,米糕, 松糕)– Teochew will prepare this huat kuih for big occasion such as Chinese New Year.

SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)


Pandan Huat Kuih (香兰发糕) – Note that this recipe have butter and eggs and therefore, depends on individual, whether it is suitable for your religious purposes.

SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)

Palm Sugar or Gula Melaka or Gula Apong Huat Kuih (椰糖发糕) Another Huat Kuih using wheat flour for you to choose.

SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)

Orange Huat Kuih (香橙发糕)

SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)

Oolong Tea Huat Kuih (茶香发糕)– you can always used green tea instead of oolong

SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)

Pumpkin Huat Kuih (金瓜发糕)

SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)

Dried Longan Black Sugar Huat Kuih (桂圆黑糖发糕)

SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)

Sweet Potatoes Coconut Milk Huat Kuih (番薯椰奶发糕)

SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)

Osmanthus Goji Berries Huat Kuih (桂花枸杞发糕)

SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)




Yeasted Huat Kuih (酵母发糕) – This recipe can craft your huat kuih into the shape that suits you

SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)

Steamed Turtle Buns–Miku (米龟) – This is used for deity praying

SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)





Simplest Traditional Jidangao or Steamed Sponge Cake (简易传统鸡蛋糕) – This is the newest and more fool proof recipe as compare to the previous one.

SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)




Angku Kuih Recipe Revisited ( 红龟糕-花生馅)  – Many households need to prepare angku for ancestral praying during the New Year Eve

SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)

Teochew Png Kuih Revisited (潮州饭桃) – For Teochew, instead of angku kuih, rice peach cake is used for praying

SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)

Teochew Chi Kak Kuih (潮州鼠麹糕)- Mugwort version – you may be surprised to find this kuih in this compilation. I have been preparing this for a Teochew ah ma every Chinese new year that she need it during the first day. For some Teochew elders, having this kuih during Chinese New Year is a must.

SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)

Sesame Balls or Jian Dui or Kuih Bom (煎堆,芝麻球) – Cantonese like to have this snack during Chinese New Year as it was believed that it will bring fortune – 煎堆碌碌,金银满屋

SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)

Radish/Turnip/Carrot/Daikon Cake (腊味萝卜糕) – Hokkien and Cantonese especially fond of this radish cake as it is believed eat cai taow (radish) , good fortune will come  (好彩头)

SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)

Chinese Steamed Yam And Pumpkin Cake (芋头金瓜糕) – Instead of steaming radish cake, some families steamed yam cake instead

SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)

Teochew Glutinous Rice Roll Cake–Guan Jian (潮汕灌煎) – some of the Teochew sub sector have this glutinous rice roll snack every Chinese new Year.

SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)

Auspicious Smiling Balls (开口笑, 笑口枣) – This is an auspicious Chinese New Year snack that is common among the Cantonese and parts of China like Beijing. It can be literally translated as “laughing date” or “笑口枣“ 。

SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)


Koi Agar Agar (吉祥鲤鱼燕菜) – A dessert suitable for Chinese New Year as Fish denotes abundance during Chinese New Year (年年有余)

SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)


Nian Gao Puff (酥脆烘年糕) – A way to eat your nian gao which is crispy on the outside and soft in the inside

SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)

Sweet Potatoes Niangao Balls (番薯芝麻年糕球)– Another way of eating niangao

SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)

Deep Fried Niangao (酥脆炸年糕) – The traditional method of deep frying niangao

SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)

Eight Treasure Glutinous Rice Dessert (八宝饭) – A must have during reunion dinner for Shanghainese and was told Indonesian Chinese too. It is an auspicious dish of which each ingredients have a meaning .

SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)

Shiny Sugar Glazed Yam And Sweet Potatoes Sticks (金银糕烧) – Teochew families prepared this as Chinese New Year dessert and praying to the ancestors. The combination of yam and sweet potatoes representing gold and silver bar in the house.

SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)



Hope the above will benefit readers who are looking for Chinese New Year Recipes. It will be updated when appropriate recipes were issued.    Feel free to share this post if you wish to.

Part 1 : SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 90 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 1–Cookies, Snacks and Cakes ( 90 春节食谱汇编 1–糕点和曲奇) (90 recipes)

Part 3 : SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 60 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 3– Auspicious Chinese New Year Dishes ( 60 春节食谱汇编 3 – 吉祥年菜) (60 recipes)

Hope you like the post today. Cheers and have nice day. Should there be any imperfections in my blog layout, bear with me and I am trying hard to rectify it. In the event that you are a follower of Guaishushu at http://kwgls.wordpress.com, please do follow this new blog Guaishushu1 at https://www.guaishushu1.com.


 SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)

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SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)

SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)

You can also join the FOOD BLOGGERS AND FOODIES UNITED FACEBOOK GROUP and FOOD PARADISE 美食天堂to see more recipes. I am posting my daily home cooked food in the above Facebook Group daily. I would be more than happy if you can  post in the Group for the recipes that you tried from my blog.

SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)

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SPECIAL COMPILATION OF 30 CHINESE NEW YEAR RECIPES–PART 2– Auspicious Chinese Cakes and Sweets ( 30 春节食谱汇编 2– 应年节庆糕点)

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