Autumn in Northern Hemisphere has arrived and those who has lived in the countries with 4 seasons will know that Autumn season is very “heaty” and “dry” making some people prone to have nose bleed and irritation in the throats..The “heat” and “dryness” in the body will produce the following symptoms
Nose bleeding
Dry skin
Dry cough
Sore throat
A bowl of this snow fungus pear sweet soup will be just the right remedy if you have one of the above symptoms. For families in Singapore and Malaysia, this sweet soup is equally good for our body whole year round. I am contemplating to start a series on common Chinese medicinal sweet soups that have nutritional and possibly healing properties.
The main ingredients in this sweet soup is snow fungus and pear. It was stewed or slow cooked with rock sugar. Snow fungus is a type of mushroom and has long been famous to have the following properties by Traditional Chinese Medicine:
Improve the skin completion
Nourishes and moisturization of the lungs
Probable lowering of blood sugar and inhibit increase in cholesterol level
Reduce symptoms of constipation, dry cough, dry skins and respiratory discomfort.
improve immune systems
Improve retention of bodily fluids
On the other hand, pear according to the Chinese medicine
Improve immune systems
Moisturize the lungs and prevent dry couth
Clear lung heat
Prevent constipation and improve bowel movements
For those readers who understand Chinese:
“冰糖银耳炖雪梨是一道汉族药膳,属于粤菜系。冰糖有生津润肺、清热解毒、止咳化痰、利咽降浊之功效;冰糖加雪梨则具有清热润肺,清凉止咳的效果,加热过的梨汁含有更大量的抗癌物质—多酚 “梨和加热过的梨汁,都有加速排出体内致癌物质的功能。”银耳有清肺、润肺的功效,富有天然植物性胶质,外加其具有滋阴的作用,是可以长期服用的良好润肤食品。冰糖银耳炖雪梨能清火止咳,此汤也适合孕妇饮用。” (Source:
Servings: 6-8 adult servings
1 white fungus about palm size (雪耳,银耳)
2 medium size pears (雪梨)
1 tablespoons of apricot kernel (南杏)- optional
50 grams of rock sugar (冰糖)
4-6 red dates (红枣)
About 2000 ml of water
Soak the snow fungus for at least 15 minutes in cold water and ensure that it expands fully. Turn and cut away the yellowish hard part. Cut the white part into small pieces. Set aside.
Skinned the pear and cut away the kernel. Cut into big pieces and set aside.
Put all the ingredients into the pressure cooker pot, add the water and ensure that the water at least cover 1 inches above the ingredients. Pressure cook for at least 30 minutes or your desired texture. Best served warm as a dessert.
The quantities stated here are all estimated quantities and feel free to adjust the quantities that suit you taste buds.
If you do not have pressure cooker, alternatives are slow cooker or over the stoves (about 1 hour) .
For Chinese traditional medicine, none will believe a bowl of sweet soup will work magic. However, if this was factored into your dietary menu, the benefits will accumulate over time.. I hope this recipe new house chefs who are looking for Chinese traditional sweet soup.
Hope you like the post today. Cheers and have a nice day.
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I see wolfberries too. Thank you for your kind thoughts. Indeed fall is coming in Europe and my child is starting to have dry cough. Will make this and hope the family will like it.
Hope it helps
Very interesting! Looks delicious!
thank you