I bought a bar of chocolate from a bakery shop and by hook and by crook, I must finish this bar of chocolate as soon as possible..One of the reasons is that I myself do not really like chocolate and I also do not want kids to indulge in chocolate overloaded cuisines…
I have always wanted to blog brownie but it was being hold back because I do not have baking chocolate at home.. Since i have this bar of chocolate, the first recipe that come to my mind is brownie.. a type of desserts that is pretty common in this region especially during High Tea.. It is a dessert slice, slightly crispy on the outside, gooey and dense on the inside. In addition, it is chocolaty and a rather addictive dessert. For me, brownie must be sweet and goes well with plain tea or coffee such that a piece or two is enough to satisfy one’s craving.
There are many many recipes of brownies in the website. All major website and western bloggers will have a recipe of brownies.. For this type of common recipe, I usually do not search further but goes back to my favourite baking cookbook. This cookbook captures recipes of all common sweets and desserts and so far, the book has never failed me in any of the recipes..I have full trust and confidence on the book.
Yes, I was not disappointed with this adventure. This is the type of brownie that I am looking for, slightly gooey and chewy on the inside and crispy on the external. Pecan was added to provide some bit pieces in the piece of chocolate overloaded desserts.. It will goes well with ice cream but I would prefer to have it with my plain earl grey tea.
The original recipe yields quite a big piece of brownie. Therefore I have decided to half the recipes and made necessary adjustment to the cooking time. Preparation is easy peasy, no complicated equipment, no strange ingredients, just mix and bake and it yields delicious brownies..
Recipe adapted from: Page 136, Chocolate Brownies “The Essential Baking Cook Book” published by Murdoch Books in 2000
Servings: Prepare a tray of 6” x 6” of Pecan Brownies
20 grams of plain flour
30 grams of cocoa powder
150 grams of castor sugar
100 grams of chopped pecans or walnuts
125 grams of good quality dark chocolate (unsweetened preferred)
125 grams of butter, melted
2 eggs
Pre-heat the oven to 180 degree Celsius.
Lightly grease a 6”x6” baking tin and line with grease proof baking paper leaving the paper hanging over on the two long sides.
Chopped the pecan or walnuts coarsely. Set aside.
In a microwavable bowl , put the chocolate and butter and microwave for about 1 – 1.5 minutes. Stir until well combined. Add the beaten eggs and stir again until well mixed. If there is not microwave, you can always melt the chocolate using Bain-Marie method using water bath. This involves put a bowl over a pot of hot boiling water, stir until the chocolate and butter melts.
In another bowl, sift the cocoa powder and plain flour. Add the sugar and the nuts. Stir until well mixed. Pour the batter into the dry ingredients and stir until well mixed. Transfer the batter to the lined baking tin and baked in the oven for 25-30 minutes. Cool completely before lifting out using the paper and handles. Cut into relevant sizes before servings.
Brownies are tasty yet they are so easy to prepare. There is no need to pay a price premium to have it in hotels or buy from bakeries. There are many types of brownies. Some are fudgier cake like structure and some and denser and gooier as in this recipe. While I cannot guarantee this is the best brownie available but it really suit my taste buds.
Hope you like the post today. Cheers and have a nice day.
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